Part 2 - Sleep

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I made a little change in their ship. There was a little undiscovered room and since Zoro found it, he kept it for himself. It was just big enough for a bed room anyway. It was hidden in the back with a trapdoor on the roof at the end of the hall. So yeah XD


The next morning, Zoro awoke with Sanji yelling at Luffy for eating everything. He felt (and heard) his stomach growl and jumped down from the crow's nest, stretching at his landing. He came inside and saw Sanji yelling and kicking Luffy away from the food.
"You've had enough already!!!" Sanji yelled.
"But I'm still hungry!!!" Luffy returned.
"That's not my problem, is it?!" Sanji returned to his complaining.
"Damn, you two sure are noisy in the morning..." Zoro said, rubbing his eyes and yawning. Everyone looked at him and started to stare at him. "Uhm... Something wrong?" Zoro said, feeling pretty uncomfortable.
"Your eyes..." Nami said.
"They're all red..." Usopp finished. Chopper immediately ran up to him, wanting to check him but Zoro kept pushing him away.
"There's nothing wrong with me Chopper, I just slept very poorly, that's all," Zoro replied. The last wasn't really a lie, after his nightmare, he simply couldn't get to sleep again.
"HAHA! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING SO" 'No, please don't say it...' "EMOTIONLESS!!!" Sanji finished. Zoro cursed Sanji internally. It took him a few seconds to reply. He knew he had been a bit unreasonable yesterday, but he had to admit that comments like that could bring up some more painful thoughts, not that he'd ever cry in front of the blond jerk.
"Not now love cook, I just want to eat something and then I'm going back to bed," Zoro answered, still calm.
"To bed or where ever the hell you lay your eyes on," Sanji asked sarcastically. Zoro had never slept in his new bed, always on the ground, in the crow's nest or indeed, where ever the hell he laid his eyes on.
"To bed!" Zoro replied frustrated. Everyone was a bit shocked by this.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL TODAY?! STOP STARING AT ME!!!" Zoro yelled in more frustration and annoyance. Everyone stopped staring at him and went back to his or her plate. Zoro sighed and sat next to Luffy, he knew Luffy wouldn't ask difficult questions, and across him sat Usopp, he would be to scared to ask him anything. After he was done with breakfast, he went to his own bed, and went to sleep. He had become used to more hard substances, like wood, so the mattress and pillow felt extremely soft. He just usually forgot he had an actual bed now and usually couldn't be bothered climbing up to the thing, but he appreciated the privacy a room like this provided him. Making a mental note to do this more often, he quickly fell asleep.


"Zoro went to bed?!" Was Nami's first reaction when Zoro had left the room.
"Nah, I think he just wanted to be alone and train. If we stand close to his room, we'll probably be able to hear him." Sanji said and everyone went to stand under his room.
"Huh? I can't hear him. Maybe he did go to sleep." Luffy said.
"Or maybe he's sleeping against the wall anyway." Chopper thought out loud.
"Could be, but I can't hear him snoring either. And he snores pretty damn hard." Usopp replied.
"Maybe he's just taking the time to think. It can be very relaxing." Robin said.
"That's the most plausible solution. But I guess we have to look for ourselves if we want to know." Nami said.

"So who will go in to look?" Nami asked. Of course, nobody raised his or her hand. Because last time Luffy had woken him up when he had slept poorly, Zoro had almost decapitated him. Nami sighed.
"Fine!" She said and went into the kitchen. A minute later she returned with six spoons and one fork and she put them in her hand with the heads covered.
"The one who pulls the fork will check on Zoro." She said and pulled first: Spoon. Luffy and Sanji pulled at the same time: Spoons. Usopp pulled: Fork. He looked at it in disbelief and shock and his mouth had fallen open.
"W-w-w-wait! I-I-I can't go. My can't-wake-Zoro-while-he's-trying-to-sleep is returning." He said while he grabbed his neck and acted sick.
"USOPP!!!" Little Chopper, who believed him, screamed.
"Hurry up and check on him. If he's asleep he probably won't hear you." Nami said annoyed.
"P-p-probably?!" Usopp stuttered.

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