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Oscar pov:

How did things turn out like this? I was far from home and in a bar with a random guy that the ghost in my head is telling me to trust. And the weirdest part is that I do, I can thank ozpins feelings for that. But I guess if ozpin trust him I can to. 'You can.' Ozpins voice chimes in. I look over to him 'will you please stop reading my thoughts' I asked in my head. after a while of having ozpin in my head he appeared in a physical form. no one else could see him but me though. Ozpin glanced over my shoulder and I turned around to see that the man named qrow was giving me a questioning look, probably wondering what i was staring at. "Heh sorry just talking to ozpin" I gave him a nervous laugh. Even though I feel I can trust him I'd be lying if I said he didn't look intimidating. He gave a short nod and took another shot of his drink. He seemed to be drinking more than before I came in. "S-so..." he turned his attention back to me. "Does anybody else know about us, ya know about me and ozpin?" "Nope." he gave a short answer. "He...He must trust you a lot to only tell you about us, and to leave his cane weapon thing to you." There was a flash of a fond smile on his face but it was only there for a second "yea...and technically it's a walking stick." He said in a matter a fact tone. I went back to starring into the distance when he broke the silence. "Hey kid I think it would be better if we kept it that way, with me only knowing about you and oz, so when you meet the others don't mention it ok." I perked up "others?" "...yea I'm traveling with my niece and some of her friends, they should be a few years older than you so you'll have someone else to talk to becomes this old man.. " I smiled. Even though this guy seems intimidating he doesn't seem too bad, at least he has sense of humor. "Hmm." I noticed ozpin looked interested as well 'oscar can you ask him who specifically he's traveling with?' "Um...ozpin was wondering who exactly you were traveling with." " JNPR and ruby." Ozpin simply hummed in his head "wait ruby?" Qrow put his drink down and raised a eyebrow "well ozpins ben thinking about a girl named ruby, wondering if his predictions were right?" I had no idea what ozpin meant by predictions but he was thinking about this a lot. qrow smirked " heh yea she did, she stopped the new fall Maiden and that dragon grim just like you said she would. The all seeing oz strikes again." I could sense that ozpin was smiling at him from behind me but I could also feel that smile turn into a frown when qrow slammed his drink to the counter appearing to have finished it. 'How many drinks has he had?' Ozpin asked sounding concerned "um how many drinks have you had?" Qrow gives him a slightly defensive look "o-ozpin want to know he sounds kinda worried" I corrected myself. Qrow sighs " realax it's only Ben my... seventh?" Gees this guy can drink. Ozpin frown deepens. 'He really shouldn't be drinking this much he has people to look after now' he says in a firm tone "ozpin...says you shouldn't really be drinking since you have those kids to be looking after" qrow sighs but smirks " still nagging me even from the grave..." qrow stands up from his stool "well you coming?" I jump off of mine, since I'm not exactly the tallest, and ozpin follows. We start to head out of the bar when ozpin speaks 'don't be nervous oscar I think you'll get along just fine with them.' 'yea but...he said teams right so there hunters, I don't exactly think a normal farm boy would fit in so well with them.' I think to him' yes a normal farm boy would have problems with that but your no longer a normal farm boy.' I smile "the same wise old man response that I should've expected." I accidentally said that part out loud and qrow looked at me as we were walking, then he smirked "you'll get used to it kid."

Authors notes:
Hello~ this is my first fanfic so pls excuse any spelling errors if this goes well I might end up writing another story about just qrowpin. The drawing belongs to me and updates may be slow. Suggestions are welcomed 😊.Anyway I really hope you like! <3

History tends to repeat itself  ruby x oscar/ozpin x qrowWhere stories live. Discover now