Old memories and new ones to come

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Still oscars pov :p

'Wait what...?' I questioned in my head when that statement came out of my mouth, I didn't really feel like I was the one that said it...I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed everyone staring at me with a confused look. everyone except ruby and qrow. Qrow looked like I had just said something I shouldn't have, and ruby looked surprised. "Do...do you know about?-" ruby started to question but qrow cut her off rather loudly "well oscar here lived on a remote little farm before he met ozpin so he hasn't ever seen anyone with silver eyes before." Qrow said in a slightly nervous tone ,technically it wasn't a lie. he hasn't met anyone with silver eyes before....or at least I don't think I have..."o-oh" ruby said sounding kinda embarrassed. 'Hugh, that was a good cover up to don't tell me, he learned it from you?' I asked ozpin in my head and he chuckled 'no, actually it was kind of the other way around.' He said simply I raised a brow but before I could question him ruby was talking again." W-well like I Was saying welcome to the team." She said awkwardly. 'Woops I think I might of Ben staring.' I think to ozpin "T-thanks and sorry if I sounded weird or creepy but I really haven't met anyone with silver eyes before and they look really pretty, I guessed I was just surprised." I said chuckling nervously, I was always bad for ranting when I was nervous and now wasn't any different. I could see her blush slightly at the compliment I didn't even mean to say out loud. "T-thanks I like your eyes to there a cool orangish olive color." Qrow furrowed his eyebrow at the blush on Ruby's cheeks he was about to say something when Nora cut him off "soooo you lived on a farm were there a lot of animals there!?" She asked excitedly. "Heh yea there were but I doubt you'd be so happy about that if you had to take care of them every morning." I said rubbing the back of my kneck. "Whaaaat don't be silly I've tamed numerous of animals, I've even rode a giant one!" She exclaimed "Um I don't think dreams count." The black haired boy said, Nora pouted "I wasn't talking about a dream." She said in a matter of fact tone "I don't think riding a ursa counts either." The blonde boy added. Nora raised her hand as though to say something but then put it back down, , crossed her arms and went back to sitting on the bed. 'Well this is a...interesting group...' I thought in my head ozpin smiled slightly and gave a curt nod. Then ruby started speaking again "so what kind of stuff did you like to do when you weren't taking care of the animals?" Ruby asked I was kinda surprised she was interested but answered non the less " I like to read a lot." Her face seemed to brighten "I love to read what do you like to read about?" She asked " I....like to read stuff about the world, I was always interested in seeing what was out there outside of my little farm," I answered " heh I can relate I lived in a small area too I always wanted adventure that's why I became a huntress" she said brightly . 'Heh well you had a choice at least.' I thought in my head I knew better than to say it out loud. Ozpin gave me a sad expression, he looked like he was going to say something but ruby continued speaking, he tried not to talk when other people were talking to me because it would be too hard to focus on town conversations "oh! You would've liked my friend Blake she liked books too, I remember when we first met she told me about book about a man with two souls, sounds cool right?" I paused for a moment ".....Hugh." Ozpin chuckled ' the irony Is quite befitting.' I gave him a slightly annoyed look when I noticed the blonde girl had a depressed expression on her face I was going to ask if she was okay but ozpin gave me a look that said that wasn't a good idea. Ruby probably didn't notice because she kept talking, she looked like she just realized something"...wait a second....does this make us team rnjro?" She said questionably as if to try out the name."hey what about me?" The blonde girl chimed in, I could see some leftover hurt in her eyes from earlier, but It it looked like she was trying to be cheery."o-oh yea! Ugh....let me think" ruby said looking like she was thinking hard for a good name "ugh can there more than four people on a team?" Nora questioned "well I don't think there's really any rule that's against it.." the blonde boy said "um I think we're getting ahead of ourselves, some of us haven't introduced our selves yet and we're already coming up with team names..." the boy in green said said "oh yea!" Nora Jumps from the bed again, grabbed my hand and shook it vigorously." Gees sorry for being rude, well I'm Nora nice to meet you!" She said while having a wide grin on her face. She eventually stopped staking my hand and stepped back still smiling. The boy with the pink streek in his hair was the next one to speak " my names ren it's nice to have you on our team." He said as he bowed his head slightly. The blonde boy was next, he waved "hey I'm jaune." He said shortly he looked kinda awkward, guess I'm not the only one that's not a fan of first meetings. Right after I though that the blonde girl grabbed my hand while smiling "names yang nice to meetcha." She was shaking my hand with her good arm, it wasn't as enthusiastic as Nora's but it was firm. "Well now that we all got introduced it's time for bed." Qrow chimed it. Yang ruby and Nora groaned but ren and Jaune didn't protest, they looked tired from having to stop yang from noogying ruby and keeping Nora in check. "Whaaaat but we're old enough not to have bed times and I'm team leader so shouldn't i decide when we have to go to bed?" Ruby whined ' wait she's team leader?' I asked ozpin on my head. 'Yes why do you look surprised?' Ozpin questioned. 'Well she looks really young.' I stayed. Ozpin hummed 'well so are you.' Ozpin retorted '...fair enough.' I looked back to the conversation which looks like it getting kinda heated rather quickly . "Even though your the leader I'm still the adult here, bed!" Qrow exclaimed "ha adult, that's funny, your as much as a abult as I'm not handicapped!" Yang exclaimed. "the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Qrow asked "Swear jar!" Nora said happily. "Can we please just go to bed?" The way ren said it it sounded more like plea, jauen cut in "yea I vote on that idea." Nora sighed "fiiiine you big babies." "Ha looks like your out numbered." Qrow said smirking ruby and yang pouted and groaned but went to go put there pjs on regardless, Nora had somehow already gotten hers on. 'How did she... I don't want to know' I mentally sighed 'this should be fun adventure.'I thought with a hint of sarcasm

History tends to repeat itself  ruby x oscar/ozpin x qrowWhere stories live. Discover now