Chapter Nine

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If I thought silence was deafening then this is a whole new level.

I felt the house shake as I could feel and hear things being chucked around from downstairs. I could hear the loud growls he was setting off but his emotions was blocked from me. His mindlink was shut down. The only thing I could get from Xavier was what he was portraying right now and that was full force of anger.

Was he angry at me or was it the words? I quickly wiped at the tear that had set free. I felt like I was suffocated and could not breath. Every part of my body was rigid and my wolf was silent. Neither of us wanted to be here, be around him in this state.

I suddenly felt angry, angry from feeling weak and angry for even letting my guard down for a mate that I never wanted in the first place, a hot tempered one that won't let me run to get rid of my frustration. One that would happily leave me in a room and not talk to me. What sort of shit is that? I shook my head and stood before walking over to a towel and wrapping round my body. I could still feel his rage, he would not be able to hear anything past himself.

I could feel the heat trying to take over but my wolf was suppressing it so strongly that it frightened even myself. I could not comprehend how we got to this stage or why. It was never straightforward with us. I turned to look at myself in the mirror and saw my eyes bright gold. I took a deep breath as I knew what I was about to do could be dangerous but I was tired of this. All I wanted to do was push myself and train, I wanted to be around my bestfriend who could help me not stuck here with an arrogant tosser.

I pushed open the window before climbing up onto the ledge holding the towel close to me before looking back through the room before jumping forward off the ledge, mid jump shifting into my wolf and setting off sprinting faster than I ever have before while my wolf blocked any link I had with him, keeping the heat at bay as best to her ability.

'If it comes to it, take over as quickly as possible' I told her feeling her agree with me as we pushed together. Now was the time where we worked together as the best team possible, neither of us in charge of the other, just a team.

'You got it'

We pushed past the boarder of the house we was at, quickly escaping past the people that was guarding it from others getting in not quite understanding that it would be the other way round of someone wanting to escape.

Xavier had this whole speech and shit about wanting me as a mate and trying to find me, what bullshit excuse would it be for making me push him to actually mark me. What sort of mate does not want to mark his territory but will happily growl and act like a possessive prick in front of others. It does not work both ways so do not try making it like that. I have a short fuse and damn I'll fight against anything I don't like. Even if it means punching him in the face again.

I will not turn into a weak ass mate that needs a hero. I'm a fucking independent she wolf and I will have respect, even from the gobshite of a Alpha to be.

The barriers in my head trying to be broke down after an hour or so off running, I knew who it was. Everyone in the entire world could guess what immature prick would be trying to contact me. I was still too far from home, I did not know how long it actually took us as for one I was too dazed and two Xavier was definitely speeding. But I needed to get home or someone other than Xavier to meet me half way.

I tried thinking who was the best person to contact before I took a huge deep breathe as I kept my speed up while running through the entrance to the forest hoping to the goddess I was going the right way. I quickly opened the link only to one person.

'Myke' I quickly yelled through the link to him, praying that today he had left his link open and not shut it off because his training. 'Celeste, what's wrong?'

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