Chapter Seventeen

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I chewed on my bottom lip as I pulled clothes out from my draws and placed them on the bed, feeling the heated stare as he waited by the door way. I could tell he was not sure what he was supposed to do or act. Neither of us knew as this area was so unfamiliar. No one explained to you clearly how it all will be, how to act and what to do after you mate. You learn the basic's of mating and that is all.

Never the after-mass.

I wanted to know all the little details of every possible outcome, i wanted to understand what it truly means to be mated to an Alpha. I knew the one person to ask in this pack was the Luna but the thought made me feel embarrassed to go to my mate's mother and ask all the intimate questions that was going round in my mind but i knew for sure i had to question about the heat. Whether it be the pack doctor or the Luna the question needed to have answers for me.

I was not about to wait it out and see how it all plans out, i needed to be prepared for it just in case it snuck back inside of me. I needed to know if it was possible, i needed to understand the heat of a Luna. 

I needed to understand about being a Luna.

My head shooting to look at him as worry settled in at the thought of being a terrible one, the concern look going across Xavier's beautiful face as he quickly made his way over to me in a few short strides and wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled against his chest in one swift movement making me feel safe straight away. "Why that look?" Xavier questioned softly, his eyes staring into mine making me feel like he was staring straight into my soul.

"Honestly?" I asked, my exterior slowly dropping as the wall I built up crumbled down for him to feel my emotions more powerful than before, the look of sincerity made it's way across his features as I knew he felt it. "Always" He made me feel breathless with the way he spoke to me, the way he stared down at my form. "What if I'm not good enough to be a Luna? What if I'm not made to be one?"

The sound of being terrified with clear in my tone, I was petrified I will not ever be good enough that I will do something seriously wrong and put the pack in danger. I knew I had many bad traits, having me as a Luna is clearly a test that I hadn't studied for. Xavier let out a sigh making me bite my bottom lip harshly out of nervousness. "Celeste" Xavier started before shaking his head and pulling me closer to him.

"I will be by your side through it all, holding your hand and keeping you strong. No matter how much you think you will fall on your face, I will be holding you up. You are my Luna and you will be a fucking great one too"

I smiled up at him, my heart melting at his words and the tingles dancing across my skin making me feel alive. The feeling he gave me from a simple touch was such a speechless emotion, it made me feel on fire and ignite with passion. It was a burning sensation that i never wanted to leave, it made you feel breathless. The emotions from your mate made you so content with anything but they way they taught you on how it would all be never made it match up to how it really feels. 

No words would be good enough to explain.

"Xavier, i love you." I whispered up to him, the idea being so bizarre from how i used to think about mates. The idea being so off-putting but now its laughable to even try and disagree against myself. Xavier grinned down at me, pure happiness across his face as his eyes tightened a little more around my form as he tried to bring me as close as possible. "I fucking love you" Xavier mumbled out before pressing his lips against my forehead in a sweet gesture.

Pulling away from him with a smile before turning to carry on packing up my things. Xavier now grabbing some clothes and putting them on the bed. "I'll go grab your bathroom things" Xavier said before kissing my forehead and walking to my bathroom, biting my lip as i looked around the room. It was going to be strange not being here anymore but moving forward is always a scary adventure but it will be good.

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