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That evening, I wander off to the border to visit Ash. Last time we met, we realized we couldn't do this every day without someone finding out. Instead, we decided to meet every full moon under the cover of night, unless some tribe event prevented us from coming.

The river is as deep purple as the sky, moonlight rippling on its surface. It whispers quietly to me as I sit on the bank waiting.

I'm not waiting long before the grass on the other bank rustles and Ash steps out. He looks pale in the moonlight, but still as handsome as ever.

We remake our bridge to the center of the river and sit quietly together, occasionally remarking on the beautiful night or how much we've missed each other.

"There's a meeting tomorrow," Ash says. I jolt. I'd forgotten about that.

Four times a year, once in each season on the same day every year, all the tribes meet to discuss common issues and resolve tensions peacefully. No fighting is allowed. Only evolved members of the tribe are allowed to attend, so this will be my first time.

"That's going to be fun. Want to meet up?"

"Sure," he says.

We watch the rippling water for a few minutes, and eventually I bury my face in his fluffy mane and nuzzle up against him. I feel him start to purr. I smile. It's a noise Eons in AquaClan are incapable of making, and it never ceases to amuse me.

I don't know how long we sit like that, but eventually I jolt awake. Looking up, I see the moon is halfway up the sky. I don't want to disturb Ash, but I also don't want to be missed at home and caught like this.

"Ash," I whisper, shaking him slightly. "Wake up."

He sleepily opens one eye, then apparently realizes he was asleep. The Flareon hauls himself upright and looks at me accusingly.

"What?" I laugh. "I don't want to get caught like that!"

"I don't think a few more minutes would have hurt anything," he grumbles.

"I should probably go," I say reluctantly. He licks my nose gently.

"See you at the meeting tomorrow," he says.

I bid farewell, removing my half of the bridge as I walk across it. When I reach the AquaClan camp, I wade through the shallows of our creek for a while. Unfortunately, I don't see the shadow in the creek until I trip over it. It yelps loudly, and I leap back in surprise.

"What are you doing out here?" Jet asks incredulously.

"I could ask you the same question."

He sighs. "I couldn't sleep, so I decided to sit in the river for a while."

I roll my eyes. Vaporeons are so weird.

"You never answered my question," he presses. "What are you doing out here?"

I cringe internally. What am I going to say?

"I was... um... fishing."

"Fishing." He says skeptically. "In the big river. By yourself. At night."

"Yes," I snap, growing impatient. "Now leave me alone. This is none of your business."

Stalking off to my cave, I feel his suspicious gaze following me all the way.

My parents are still up, and they don't show any sort of surprise when I walk in at ten at night. I roll my eyes, angry at everyone. They really don't know how to parent an Eon.

Still hating the world, I settle down on my ice platform for whatever remains of the night.

This chapter was short and as floofy as Ash's fur.

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