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I walked quietly over to the corner of the cell and sat down. I wonder who my cellmates are? What cell number is this anyway? I thought as I got back up from my spot on the floor and walked up to the bars.

"Um... guard?" I called. One of the guards turned around and walked towards me. "What cell number is this?" I asked him. "13" he replied and went back to his work. I returned to my corner and sat back down. Those people who just escaped, are they my cellmates? I wondered. I heard talking from down the hall and I went back up to the bars to get a better listen.

"Yea, hajime said we're getting a new cellmate." A voice said.

"When do you think he'll get here?" Another one asked.

"Im not sure. Who do you think he is?" Asked the first voice.

I assumed one shrugged because there was no answer. I heard footsteps and scurried back to my corner for the third time. Four guys followed by a few guards came up to the cell. The guards opened the cell door and shoved them in.

The bald man walked up a few seconds later and gave them a death glare. "Why do you make my job so hard?" He shouted. "And make your new cellmate feel welcome" he said as he looked at me. All four guys turned to look at me. They didn't even notice I was here. I waved shyly to them. I may have been a mass criminal but I wasn't the best with people.

"She's a girl?" A guy with a red mohalk said confused. I coninued to stare at them. "Do you think she likes anime?" Whispered a guy with long green hair and a child-like energy. Another one with black and red hair and shackles simply stared at me emotionlessly. "Hey, I'm Uno, what's your name?" The last one asked with a smirk. He had long pink-ish hair that was tied in a braid.

I pushed myself up from the floor and introduced myself. "I'm Sarah Lucas. And to answer your questions, yes, im a girl." I said looking at the mohalk guy. "I've never watched anime" I continued while turning to the green-haired one. "And hello to you too." I finished as I looked at the guy who had not said a single word since he arrived.

"Wait, you're the infam-" started the guy with the mohalk but I cut him off before he could finish. "Yes I'm the infamous Sarah Lucas" I said, unimpressed. "What's the big deal?" I asked.

"What's the big deal?" The guy with green hair repeated. "You're like a legend here" he added, amazed. I gave them a confused look. Seriously? Did everyone know me? I wondered.

"So what she commited a couple of crimes. Who cares?" Said the guy with black hair for the first time. "Hey!" I called to him, offended.

"Ignore him" said the guy with the braid, Uno. "Yea, Jyugo's always in a bad mood" added the green-haired one. "I'm Nico by the way" he finished, holding out his hand. I shook it hesitantly and looked at the mohalk guy. "What about you, what's your name?" I asked. "Rock" he said. "Cool" I said and shook his hand aswell.

Maybe I'd fit in well here?

How Do I Love? [Nanbaka Fanfic] (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now