They botth love you dearly

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I just stood there as Zayn's anger grew. Glaring at Luke immensely, his hands had Luke's shirt balled up in his hands. "That's my wife, don't try that again" He said, I think he's going to knock Luke's teeth out. "She kissed me back" he said smirking. Zayn punched Luke in the jaw "She did no such thing." He hissed. I just stood there wide eyed, Monique had her hand over her mouth. I could hear her heart get faster, "Zayn get off of him" I said, pulling him off  "You two are stressing Monique out" I hissed. Mo looks like she's about to break down in tears, I run next her, "You ok Mo?" I whisper. "Lukey, get out come back when you can control yourself " she says shakily. I see her wipe   off her cheek. Luke walks out silently, tears running down his cheeks. "Zayn go home, I don't want you here either" she says, more tears running down her face. Zayn walks out sulking. I rush forward immediately to Mo's side, I hug her tightly. She wipes her face, taking a deep breath. I give her small smile. We just stay there in silence for a moment. She sighs "how long was I down?" she asks, motioning towards the bed she is laying in. "two weeks" I say wincing. Her eyes widen "wow, and I thought you slept in" she says chuckling. I laugh "Well you slept for two weeks you lazy bum" I say chuckling. She laughs then her face grows serious. "Did either Zayn or Luke ever come visit me while I was down?" She asks. "Both slept here over night and stayed here all day" I reply. Her eyes widen "At least Zayn kept a hold of himself, he went home and showered, I had to drag Luke to my house to shower or eat" I say. She widens her eyes "Really?" she asks. "He was in pretty bad shape" I admit, "The cutting... do you know when that started?" she asks. "The day you got hospitalized" I admit. She shudders. "He did that because of me? What about Tess?" she asks, "errr they're friends... and nothing more... Mo he still loves you" I tell her. A salty tear shoots like a bullet from a gun, down her cheek. "No no no he he can't! Lukey doesn't love me anymore" she whimpers. I sigh. a nurse comes in "so how are you doing sweetie?" she asks walking towards Monique, who had regained her composure. "good, I have a headache but it's not that bad, oh and the babies kicked" Mo says smiling. "That's good, how far along are you again?" she asks. "Three months" Monique answers, "Ok, well I'm going to ask you a few basic questions to make sure your head is alright and no damage occurred" the nurse says. "what is your birthday?" she asks. "The eighth of December" Mo answers. "what is your full name?" the nurse asks. "Monique Terressa Malik"  she answers slightly smiling. "Mhmm ok are you married?" she asks. "Yes" Monique answers. "Ok that should do it" the nurse says smiling. "oh and who were those lovely boys that were here, just as much as you?" the nurse asks smiling widely. "That was my husband Zayn, and my uh my best guy friend Luke" she replies. Her voice cracks on Luke's name. "Oh well they both love you dearly, count yourself lucky. I'll be in to check on you every now and then, and just press the button if you need me love" the nurse says leaving the room. Mo lays back on her pillow, rubbing her bump. "I love you Ryan and I love you too Emily" she whispers to her round tummy.

I woke up to the sound of a phone call, I grabbed my phone and heard Niall's frantic voice "Chrissi! Luke's about to jump off a ledge, come help! I don't know what to do!"

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