Chapter 16

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They say when you have a near death experience your life flashes by. But I saw something different. Way different.



"I should go after her," I said when Evelyn ran out.

"No son just let her be, she's a female, she needs time." He said and sighed.

"Dad, I get where she's coming from but, she can't keep acting the way she's acting. She has a BOYFRIEND for Gods' sake!" I shouted, my anger getting the best of me.

"Listen Percy, there comes a time when you need to let her go, she has lived her life without a blood family, just let her go and experience things for herself." He said all high and mighty, I respected my father but he was just talking crazy.

"Dad I have to go after her! You clearly don' t understand your children if you think she needs space. You'd think being a god would let you be there for your children but I guess not." I said, I probably crossed all sorts of lines but at this point I didn't care, Evelyn's arrival just brought back all the feelings of resentment I had for my dad.


"No Dad, just don't" I interupted before he could say anything.

"Percy! I understand how you feel about this but I will not tolerate this insolence. I understand you feel strongly about this but I am your father as well as a God. And you will treat me as such. I forbid you from going after your sister. You will not leave this cabin for the remainder of the evening!" He shouted furiously and suddenly he was gone.

"NO!" I tried as hard as I could but I couldn't leave my cabin, I realized he had cast a spell on me, "I HATE YOU POSEIDON!" I screamed. I finally gave up struggling and slid down the wall I was leaning on in defeat. I put my head in my hands and felt exausted.

()()()()()()()()()()()()()()(1 hour later)()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()(

I woke up with a start. I had a horrific dream that Evelyn was getting attacked. Now most of you will be saying that it's just a dream. But those words aren't comfort for a demigod. Our dreams usually end up being a reality, past, present,or future. These things were never certain, but what was certain was that my sister was in trouble.

"EVELYNNNN!!!! HELP GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! POSEIDON SHE'S IN TROUBLE!" I screamed on the top of my lungs, I banged the door until my hands bled, and even when I couldn't use my hand I rammed it with my shoulder, I tried breaking the windows but nothing worked.

Poseidon's enchantment even muffled the noise from my cabin, other campers passing by didn't even notice my screams.

I screamed until my throat was hoarse. I knew my sister was in deep shit, I could feel her fear, her pain, I can't describe it but it probably has something to do with the fact that we're blood related on our mom's side too, not just dad's.

I could feel her dying, I collapsed on the floor a bloody, exhausted mess. Tears poured down my cheeks shamelessly. My only sister, was dying and I couldn't help her. I felt her pain so fiercly I ran to the bathroom and heaved what was left of dinner.

"POSEIDON I CURSE YOU!!!!" I screamed at his statue. Then I got an idea, I pulled out anaklusmos, or riptide, my sword and swung at the statue of the man I once admired.

When the celestial bronze from my sword collided with the gold from his statue I felt a rip go throughout my entire body, then I crumpled to the floor and fell unconcious.



"Zeus! Please I beg of you brother, my child is dying, let me help her!" I shouted at my brother. Zeus, his wife Hera, Apollo, and Athena were all sitting on their thrones, them being the only ones who had time for this informal meeting.

Evelyn jackson, Percy Jackson's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now