Chapter 25

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"A brother, a cyclops brother." I repeated slowly to make sure I hadn't misheard.

"Yes, Evelyn, for the 10th time this is Tyson your half brother. He is also a cyclops. Yes." Said Percy, a little less patiently than the previous 9 times. We had been in this same position for the past hour, I couldn't believe that this was actually happening.

"I don't know if my brain can comprehend this quite yet." I said. I was staring at my half brothers single eye. I had enough, a god for a dad, a biological brother, a god for a bestfriend and now a halfbrother that's a cyclops. I didn't think I could handle any more complications in my life. I thought about how my mother refused to accept me, how my Dad was a deadbeat douchebag, what would a cyclops brother bring to my life?

"Evelyn, he is a cyclops but he's our brother. He's family Evelyn." He said softly, and Annabeth's words rung in my ears. It was true, Tyson was family.

"Okay," I sighed,"Hi Tyson, I'm Evelyn, you're sister."


Tyson, Percy and I were in the cabin, Tyson had not once taken his eye off me, he was suffocating but it was a cute. He always wanted a sister, or so he told me, making Percy roll his eyes.

"Ev-ee-lyn," Tyson said.

"Yes Tyson?" I said for the 40th time he called my name like that.

"Can I call you Eva?" He asked with his big brown eye giving me the puppy dog eye.

"Yes Tyson," I smiled amused at his childishness. Percy explained that he was emotionally a lot younger than he seemed.

"Okay Eva." He said and laughed to himself.

I was laying on my bed and Tyson was on the floor building things with peices of metal, Percy was on his bed listening to our conversation laughing. I was sure he had the same conversation with Percy when they met but who knows.

"Perc?" I asked.

"Yes Eva?" He mocked.

"Shutup Percy," I said narrowing my eyes,"I've never been to a beach."

"Evelyn, I told you it's not safe," Percy sighed.

"I know, but if I go with you, tyson, Annabeth, Sammy, and whoever you want to invite, it will be safer. We have a god to protect us, and plus I have a weapon now, I can defend myself." I argued, my fingers brushing against Anemostrobilos, my insanely awesome ax/sword.

"I'll think about it Evelyn," He said after a long pause.

"Perc?" I said.

"Yes Evelyn," Percy sighed.

"You're the bestest demigod brother ever!" I said in a high pitched voice, trying to convince him to take me to the beach.

"I'm also you're only demigod brother Evelyn." Percy chuckled.

"I know, but out of all the imaginary demigod brothers I have you are in the top three." I said.

Percy got up and walked toward me, I sat up startled.

"Top 3?" He asked with mock anger, "That's all I get, the lousy top three?"

"Well you're up there," I laughed. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

"Top three?" He asked again, walking towards the door of the cabin,"Tyson can you open it for me?"

"Yup," He said obediently.

"Percy what are you doing?!" I screeched banging on his back as we walked out of the cabin, people were staring at us but I didn't care because all I could think about was what Percy was trying to do.

"I thought we'd take a little swim with your top third brother." He said. I realized he was walking towards the lake and I freaked out.

"Percy please let me down!" I yelled banging on his back.

"Oh, I don't think I can, I'm not good enough for you. Being the top three just makes me so sad." He said.

"Okay, okay, you're top 2! Your top 2! Please just let me down." I pleaded as the lake soon came into view.

"What? Top 2? That't not gonna cut it sorry baby girl." Percy said and stopped in front of the lake, he started wading in, but not getting wet because of his abilities.

"Okay, okay, you're the best, #1, are you happy?" I said and as soon as I said that Percy dropped me in the slimy lake water.

"Yup I'm happy." He said and walked away as I started pulling moss and greed sludge off of me.

"You peice of crap!" I shouted at him.

"Love you too." He said.


As I walked out of the bathroom Percy and Tyson walked into the cabin. I ignored Percy and smiled at Tyson.

"So Evelyn, how's it going?" Percy asked. I rolled my eyes at him and turned around.

"Oh I guess you don't want to know how I'm going to the beach tomorrow but okay, whatever." He said and my eyes popped out of my skull.

"What?! Really? Oh my gods thank you Perc, you are my number one favorite demigod brother!" I laughed and jumped on his back.

"Okay koala girl, get ready for dinner and then get ready for bed, tomorrow you're gonna get ready and my friend Grover is gonna meet you for the first time." He explained.

"So I finally get to meet the famous Grover? Interesting." I laughed.

"Okay get off fatty time for dinner." He joked and I flicked his ear. Nothing could get me down, we were going to the beach tomorrow.


Heyyy sorry it's short, school is super busy but I'll try to keep updating

Evelyn jackson, Percy Jackson's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now