Chapter 5 - Secrets out

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Tetsu's POV

She just sobs uncontrollably soaking my shirt wet with her tears but I don't care, I just hate to hear her so broken "Tetsu is everything ok? Your lips bleeding." Cavelle states walking up to us.

Kitana stops sobbing, wiping her eyes and spun around on her foot to face her double with a glare ready to kill. "You!" she spits as she raised an accusing finger up at Cavelle "How long have you known?" she asked through gritted teeth.

Cavelle eyed her sister cautiously "Father has told you?" Cavelle gulped. She stopped a meter away as Rihdan came outside, spotted Cavelle and stood next to her.

"How long have you known?" Kitana asked in an irritated tone annoyed with her secrecy.

Cavelle raised her hand in a calming notion as she did before when Kitana's fury burned the brightest red earlier. "Does it really matter Kit?" she replied.

Rihdan looked over at Kitana. "Kitana is everything ok?" He seemed genuinely concerned for his friend.

"I am only going to ask once more, how long have you known?" Kitana said aggressively through gritted teeth as she ignored Rihdan's question.

Sensing the tension in the air I place my hand on Kitana's arm "Come Princess." I try to lure her away but she shook off my touch. I had a sense in my gut if we didn't part these women something serious was going to happen.

Cavelle shrugs nonchalantly, "A few months maybe."

"The truth, Cavelle." Kitana warned with a raised brow, her body almost shaking in fury.

Cavelle sighs "fine. Closer to two year's. Kit, it's really not a big deal" Cavelle tried to defend herself.

"Two years!?" Kitana screams and lunged towards her twin. It takes me a second to react and grab her around the waist pulling her back towards my body. Fury is pouring out of her while she tries to fight out of my grip.

Rihdan's automatic reaction was the same as mine but with the other twin. We made an agreement just through eye contact and Rihdan nods looking at Cavelle who is looking worried for her sister. "Cavelle, we should head back inside before your parents start to worry. Tetsu has this covered. Tetsu I will make your apologies inside." I nodded at him in thanks as he took Cavelle's hand to lead her away.

Cavelle stared at her sister "Kit, I am so sorry." Kitana made a disgusted noise in the back of her throat and turn's away. Cavelle looked devastated but let Rihdan pull her away, looking back before she went inside.

I loosened my grip on her waist but she just stayed in place. The reality of my  injuries start to hit me as I taste blood, my jaw and ribs ached but I pushed it all aside "What's say we ditch this party and go for a walk?" she just nods and I release her and follow as she begins to walk away from the castle.

We walk in silence for a while just appreciating the beauty of the night and the grounds. We come to the bridge that we had our first argument. I figured that this must be her favourite place to be. She turns to me and looks up at my face as a look of guilt washes over her beautiful features. "Does it hurt?" she referred to my injuries but I shook my head, I didn't want to make her feel any worse. "Here let me." Her eyes melted into the brightest green I'd ever seen as she slowly brought her hands up to my face which made me flinch. "It's ok." She smiled faintly trying to reassure me. I nod giving her my permission to which she hovers her hands above my skin. Whatever she is doing tingles and gives off this warm feeling and my wounds feel less painful. I try to gain her eye contact as she finishes but fail miserably as she looks down at my chest with a look of worry.

"What's the matter?" I watch her carefully.

She bites her lip which does things to a man. "I can only heal wounds I can see." She says with a slight blush upon her cheeks. I figure this is her way to apologize so I can't deny her to finish and slowly unbutton my shirt letting the fabric slide off of my body and fall to the floor watching her cheeks go from a slight blush to a deep pink and she starts bringing up her hands to my rib cage stopping to take a deep breath then carries on healing. To my astonishment the bruising that had already started coming up vanishes. When she finished her eye's turn back to the crystal blue I was used to and a tear rolls down her cheek. "I am so sorry, I just lost control and I-."

"Shh." I cut her off "It's ok." I placed one of my hands on the side of her face a wipe the tear away with my thumb. I couldn't fight it, it just came naturally to me, and I felt like I had known her for years and not the few hours I had actually known her. "I'm here if you need to talk Princess."

She sighed gently and turned away, my hand falling to my side and she looked out at the river. "Please, don't call me that." She looked as if a war was going on in her head.

I smile warmly and sit on the wall beside her. "What do you want me to call you?" I questioned as I watched her closely.

She brings her gaze to mine "Kit or Kitana will do fine." She looked so broken and my ears lowered in sadness for her.

"Penny for your thoughts." I smiled at her "Kitana?" using her name for the first time out loud sounded good.

"Do you ever wish you could be anywhere but here?" she looked back at the river fighting mentally with herself.

"Yeah I did at first, nothing compare to home but this place is amazing, how could you get fed up?" I asked her honestly wondering if it had something to do with the argument she had with her sister.

"You wouldn't understand." She closed her eyes and another tear spilled out.

"Hey, try me." I look at her curiously and placed my hand over hers.

"This place is my prison, in a world I never asked to be brought up in." she paused and took a shaky breath "It's filled with rules, regulations, meetings and parties... I'm exhausted, Tetsu." she opened her eyes and looked at me full of hurt "because of who I am my dreams are just that... dreams. The girl that is supposed to have it all, will never have what she desires most."

I think for a moment "We all wish to see how the other half lives, but truth be told you would pray for your life back. You should never give up."

She frowned "The Kings mind is a very stubborn thing... Oh Gods, he is going to be so furious with me." She gasped.

"What was the argument with Cavelle all about?" I watched her carefully and sadness spread across her features as she took her hand from underneath mine and held it over her heart then sighed.

"I can't, I really don't want to think about it." she shook her head sounding hurt again as a few tears roll down her cheeks so slowly.

I jump of the wall and rest my hand on her back rubbing soothing circles gently. "Hey, It's ok." I say trying to comfort her.

She sniffled and looked up at me "Why are you being so nice to me, when I have been nothing but awful to you?"

"You have been pretty awful." I chuckle which makes her smile. "I guess you're not as bad as you like people to think." She looked confused for a moment. I couldn't explain the way I felt, I didn't understand it myself. "I just don't like to see you so vulnerable."

She turned to me and looked into my eyes searching for something then leant up and kissed my cheek gently... for a second I thought I forgot how to breathe. "Thank you Tetsu." She smiled up at me again "I should really head back." I pick up my shirt and pull it back on.

"L-let me escort you." I regain the will to speak and she took my arm as I walk her to her room.

"This is my stop... Thank you again for tonight." She opens the door and steps through the threshold then turns back to look at me "I guess you're not so bad either, elf." She laughed softly which in turn made me chuckle.

"Thanks I think... Hey you sleep well Kitana." I threw her a genuine smile and bow my head as she closed the door. It was late so I made my way back to the room I shared with my brother. He wasn't back yet which meant after an exhausting day I could take a shower and just sleep.

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