Weekend Fun

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Moon watched the clock in her classroom impatiently.  One more minute til the bell rang, and it was the weekend.  She had plans to head to the roof to take some pictures after school was over and then tomorrow, she, Hau and Sun were going to hang out in Hau'oli City.


Finally! Moon thought to herself.  She rushed to her locker to pack up the books she needed and grabbed her tripod and camera bag containing her DSLR and lenses.  She nearly ran up the stairs.  She slammed open the door, and then stopped, remembering Gladion's compromise of being quiet.  Moon looked around nervously, but didn't see Gladion around.  He probably just skipped school today, knowing him. She concluded.

She headed to the side that faced Hau'oli Beach and the ocean, and set down her belongings.  She first set up the tripod and then attached the camera to it.  She then pulled out her high zoom lens and attached it to the camera.  She peeked through her zoom finder to adjust the zoom of the test picture and then took a few, adjusting the aperture, shutter speed and ISO to find the right setting for her pictures.  Moon focused on different areas and zoom levels of the beach and ocean.  She flipped through the pictures she took, satisfied by multiple.  She stretched and climbed onto the ledge of the roof.  The wind blew, ruffling her skirt and hair.  She felt like she was flying and smiled.

Suddenly, Moon found herself falling backwards and someone's arms wrapping around her as they caught her.  Moon glanced up over her shoulder to see it was Gladion.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?" He demanded.  "It's dangerous to be standing on the ledge like that."

Moon blinked in surprise.  Did Gladion pull her down?  "I just wanted to feel like I was flying." Moon pouted.

"Yeah, and if you fell, you would have been flying alright." Gladion muttered.

Moon then realized Gladion still had his arms wrapped around her. "Um...?" She blushed a bit and looked down at his hands at her waist.

Gladion realized what Moon was referring to and quickly released her. "Just don't do anything stupid like that again." He looked away with a frown on his face and slightly tinted cheeks.

"I won't." Moon promised. She then cocked her head.  "I didn't think you were up here."

"It's not like I always sleep in the same spot." Gladion muttered, still avoiding Moon's gaze.

"I see." Moon laughed a bit, and turned back to her camera to dissemble everything.

Gladion watched Moon.  "You are pretty serious about photography," he stated, eyeing her equipment.

Moon paused for a moment and looked thoughtful.  "I guess?" She then looked at Gladion suspiciously.  "Why, are you planning on stealing it?"

He glared at her. "No."

"Okay, okay," Moon held up her hands in mock surrender. She put her camera and lenses into her camera bag and closed up her tripod. She picked up her bags, expecting Gladion to be gone, but he was still there, just standing. "Well, see you." Moon half waved and headed to the roof exit.


The next morning, Moon got up and ate some breakfast.  She then got ready for her outing with Hau and Sun.  It was going to be comfortable today, high in the mid-seventies, so Moon opted for a below the knees blue ruffled skirt, a three quarters length sleeve white and blue striped top, and black Converse sneakers. She also grabbed a white wide brimmed hat, since she wasn't usually in a ton of direct sun during the winter months, and she knew she would easily get burned on her face otherwise.  She let her mom know she was heading out, and headed to the bus stop to catch the direct line to Hau'oli City Shopping District.

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