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As the school year progressed, Moon soon found herself busy. She joined the school newspaper and yearbook as a photographer, which meant also attending a lot of after school or weekend events to take photos. She didn't mind though, because it gave her opportunities to meet a lot of students in the school she didn't meet simply through classes. One such person was Acerola, whom Moon met at the Spring festival in seventh grade. She was a senior and part of the anime club at school. While Moon was never much into anime, she was happy to meet the friendly goth girl again, and they had a fun conversations about going to Hau'oli City High.  Acerola was great about giving her advice regarding navigating her way through high school.

"Mr. Pryce is the worse," Acerola was telling her one day after school when Moon had stopped by to take pictures for yearbook. "He falls asleep while teaching! But the district is having a hard time finding another government teacher, probably because no one wants to teach it, and he refuses to retire. I'm probably going to do horrible on the AP exam only because I'm going to have to teach myself the material."

Moon laughed. She was happy that a senior was so nice and friendly to her, as she had met a few that clearly liked to make obvious the difference between a high and mighty senior and a lowly freshman.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you - is that necklace I've seen you always wear a Swavorski?" Acerola asked.

Moon usually undid her tie once classes were over. She hated how constructing it felt around her neck. She was a bit surprised that her jewelry was that recognizable. "It is. How did you know?"

Acerola smiled a cat like grin. "My aunt is a designer for Swavorski. So I get some prototypes and finished goods every now and then. But in truth, not everything she sends is my style." She grabbed her purse and rummaged through it. "Here, why don't you take this?" She held out a black slack bracelet decorated with a mix of white and grey crystals.   "It's too bulky for my wrist, but you're a bit taller than me, plus I think it will balance that bulky black watch you always wear on your left wrist well."

"This was my dad's." Moon smiled sadly. It had come up in a previous conversation about how Moon's dad had passed away. Acerola had lost both of her parents as a baby in a boating accident and was adopted by a family in Alola. She then recovered. "But I can't take your jewelry!"

Acerola shook her head firmly. "No! I insist."

Moon figured it would be better to not argue with the senior. "Thank you," she said as she took the bracelet and wrapped it around her right wrist. Then a thought occurred to her. "Do you always have spare jewelry in your purse to pawn off?"

Acerola just gave her a cat like grin and laughed.

When Moon arrived back at the yearbook club room, she found a couple of the senior staff in a panicked state.

"Oh, Moon, you're back!" One named Chloe said, looking relieved. "We just found out one of our other two photographers has a college visit scheduled over the weekend of homecoming. Can you step in and be a photographer at the event? We were originally going to ask you to only photograph the game, but we are stretched thin now.  You'll need to attend both the football game and the dance afterward. It's a Saturday, not this one but the next."

Moon shrugged. "Sure, I don't see why not."  She hadn't actually planned on going, since she wasn't a good dancer, but if she was there to take photos, she didn't mind going.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Chloe let out a deep breath. "I have tickets here for you to attend both events. There's a guest ticket if you wish to bring someone with you."

Moon nodded. After leaving, she suddenly realized she had no idea what was the significance of homecoming. Pulling up the contacts on her phone, she called Hau.

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