Love and Rivalry

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On Saturday, Moon eventually woke up on her own terms.  She finished her homework last night since Gladion was working, and she had plans for today.  She, Hau and Sun were going to meet up with X and Vonnie and give them a tour around the city, but like how Hau and Sun gave Moon a tour when she first arrived.  Moon reached for her phone to see it was almost eleven.  They were going to meet X and Vonnie at their house around one, go get lunch, and then wander around Hau'oli City.  They had invited Lillie too, but she declined.  Gladion started work at one, so he was out, not that he seemed interested in going.

She stretched and got out of bed.  She exited her bedroom to find Gladion on the couch, reading a book.  Moon glanced around, but her mom must have been out.  She typically went grocery shopping on Saturday mornings. 

Moon headed over to where Gladion was sitting and gave him a kiss on the cheek from behind.  "Morning, sweetie."

Gladion smirked at her.  "Morning, Luna-bean." 

Moon walked around the couch and sat down next to him.  "What are you reading?"

Gladion made a face.  "A book for English."

"Not good?" Moon peeked at the cover.  "Catcher in the Rye?"

"You'll probably have to read it next year."

"Great." Moon said sarcastically.  She actually disliked English a lot.  She found interpreting the symbolism and writing essays on it incredibly boring.  She still got B's in English, but in all her other classes, she always got A's. Her stomach growled at her. 

"Hungry a bit?" Gladion commented.

Moon moaned.  "I am.  But I'm eating lunch in about two hours, so I don't want to ruin my appetite."

"Then eat a snack."

Moon made a face. "I need to watch my weight."

Gladion gave her a look.  "Seriously?  Please don't tell me you are going to become one of those girls."

Moon pouted.  "There's nothing wrong with not overeating."

Suddenly, Gladion grabbed Moon's left wrist.  His hand easily wrapped around her wrist.  "You're skinny enough.  Eat a snack."

However, Moon was refusing to budge.  Gladion got up and headed into the kitchen.  He rummaged in the pantry, and came back with a packaged Hostess Ho Ho.  He dangled it in front of Moon's face.  "Eat."

"Ew, no.  Why did you pick one of the unhealthiest snacks in the house? I don't even know why Mom bought them."

Gladion unwrapped the Ho Ho and broke it in half, stuffing it into Moon's mouth.

Moon coughed, and got up to grab a napkin.  She spit the Ho Ho into it.  "Why did you do that?" She threw out the napkin and joined Gladion back on the couch.

"You were being ridiculous."

Moon eyed the remaining half of the Ho Ho Gladion had placed on the coffee table.  Grabbing it, she quickly smashed it into Gladion's face.

Gladion glared at her.  "What the hell?" He took a piece that fell onto his lap and promptly smashed it into Moon's face.

Moon tried to be angry, but seeing Gladion's cake covered face, she started laughing instead.  Pieces of chocolate cake were stuck on his cheeks and chin, along with white cream. He looked absolutely ridiculous.  Her laughter grew, and she found herself doubling over.

At first, Gladion was angry at Moon.  He had already taken a shower, and now he was going to have to wash his face again before he left for work.  But Moon's laughter was infectious, and he found himself calming down, even chuckling a bit.  He supposed he deserved it, forcing the Ho Ho into Moon's mouth to begin with. 

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