Chapter 1

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Janessa's P.O.V

"Beep!! Beep!! Beep!!" I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock at 5AM telling me it's time to get up for my first day of high school. I turned it off and lay in bed looking up at the ceiling. I don't want to go. I've never left home to live somewhere else without my parents before, but i can't disappoint my mom... well, not yet anyway. I swallowed my fear and got up out of bed. 45 minutes later, I was showered dressed, and packing up the car with my suit cases. My best friend was hugging her parents goodbye.

 "Oh I'm gonna miss you soooo much Pookie Bear!"

"Im gonna miss you too Mommy."

"Oh Goodness, I promised myself I wouldn't cry."

And at the moment, Tiffany's mom started bawling her eyes out. Then her Dad joined in and she was standing there, in between her parents, who were crying hysterically. Luckily, it didn't last long because my mom cut the crying fest in half.

"Okay you guys, these talented young ladies have to hit the road now."

"You're right." Tiffany's dad agreed. He and his wife gave their daughter one last hug and kiss before she hopped in the car with me. It's times like this where I miss my dad. I know he's doing great things by fighting for our country but I want him home with me. I guess we all don't get what we want.

My mom got in the drivers seat and pulled out of the drive way as Tiff's parents were still waving and crying.  

 About an hour later we arrived. The fear that I swallowed this morning was making it's way back up. Reality was kicking in and I didn't know if I can handle it. Tiffy noticed that I was scared and started comforting me. 

"Everything is going to be fine. Remember when I said when we leave here, we're going to leave our mark? Well it's time to start making a difference and we can't start that journey if you're still holding on to home. We can do this. Together." I swallowed my fears back down and used Tiffy's words of encouragement to move me forward.

When we stepped out of the car there were a group of guys by the front doors checking us out. I mean I couldn't blame them, we did look pretty good. No matter what, Tiffy and I always had dress code and our shoe game stayed on point. No one could come close to touching us. With that being said, we did get a lot of attention from guys, but most of the time they were always trying to get at Tiffany. I mean, I've had boyfriends in the past but they were nothing serious and it always ended up with them wanting one thing. So I basically put guys on hold for a while and just going to focus on my dance.. well for now at least. 

We walked in and the place was like a movie!! It was big and colorful and so full of life. Everyone seemed happy and was glad to be here. We went over to the Dorms Management office and got our keys. My mom walked us up to our room and said her goodbyes.

"Oh, I'm gonna miss you so much baby girl." 

"I'll miss you too Ma."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do, and make Mommy proud. Love You." 

"Love You too."

She gave Tiffy and me one last hug, then was out the door. Tiffy turned to me and smile.

"Are you ready for an experience of a lifetime !??"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean being able to dance at one of the worlds top dance schools, leaving home to be independent at 14 going on 15 years old, and last but definitely not least seeing GORGEOUS boys everywhere you turn!!!" I really thought my best friend was in over her head big time. Not about the dancing or leaving home but about the boys. I mean they were pretty fine but they weren't all that. We walked out of our room and decided to explore the campus a little more

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