Chapter 4

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While I was walking to Contemporary, I felt two hands squeeze my waist and pull me back. At first I was shocked, but then I realized it was Zay.

"Hey Sexy "

"Hey Zay "

"How was your first class?" he said while we walked together.

"It was kinda weird but it was cool, hbu?"

"Fun and very energetic."

"That's good."

Zay had his arm around me while we were walking and talking but at the corner of my eye I could see Snoopie staring us down again from across the hall. I guess she was really jelly.

We entered the dance room and the teacher was already giving us instructions.

"Hello Students!! My name is Mr.T, For the young ladies, if you are coming from Ballet, take off your skirt and Ballet shoes and put on some shorts and your Jazz shoes. If you are coming from Hip-Hop take off your sweatpants and half shirt or T-shirt, you're suppose to have your leotard and tights underneath those clothes, put on shorts and Jazz shoes, same goes for people coming from Modern and Tap. For the young men make sure you have on your leotard, tights, sweatpants, and Jazz shoes. When you are all ready come sit in a semi circle on the floor for introductions."

In about five minutes everyone was on the floor in a semi circle just like he asked. Zay sat next to me.

"I know this position might seem familiar but this year the Dean has asked all the freshmen teachers to do this "Introduction" on the first day of school in every class so get use to doing this."

"This is going to be tons of fun." Zay complained.

"Ikr." Even though me and Zay were whispering, Mr. T had ears as sensitive as an Elephant's.

"One important thing you should know about me is that I hear every and anything so If the two love birds to my left could stop complaining to each other, we can all get on with the class."

My face instantly turned bright red as the class giggled at Mr.T's statement.

"Ok, now lets start this process. Lover boy, you're first." He was referring to Zay.

"Alright, Hey, my name is Xaiver but everyone calls me Zay, Im 15, I started dancing when I was 9, and my favorite color is Green."

"Ok, we're making progress. Next."

It was my turn.

"Herro, my name is Janessa, I'm 14, I started dancing when I was 2, and my favorite color is Gold."

This cycle continued all around the room. From the way some of these kids spoke they seemed kind of interesting but one guy caught my eye.

"Hey, My name is Marques, Just turned 15, I've been dancing all my life, and my favorite color is also Gold."

Marques was a Unicorn. Zay had nothing on him. Marques had the prettiest, cleanest dreads I've ever seen, Hazel eyes with a hint of green, He's body structure was life, his dimples were way deeper than Zay's, lips full and pink, and very light skin. But guys like that were players and rude, I'm not the type to judge a book by its cover but it was pretty obvious. The thing that was kind of trippy was every once in a while our eyes would lock on each other for a couple a seconds then break away.. i wonder if... no I'm with Zay and he's perf and would never hurt me.

Marques's P.O.V

I came into this stupid classroom and the teacher already shooting instructions to us. While I was changing from Hip-Hop, a beautiful angel walked through the door. I've never seen a lovely woman such as herself before. She walked with such grace and elegance. You can tell that she was a natural born dancer. I had this funny feeling in my stomach. Butterflies. I haven't felt this way since.. Selena. I miss her everyday and I never thought I'd have that feeling for anyone else until I saw Janessa. I think that's her name, yea and we have the same favorite color,. I want to ask her why it's her favorite but I don't want her boyfriend over there to get the wrong Idea, even though it might be the right idea. I keep catching her staring at me and she catches me staring right back, she probably thinks I'm a stoker by now. Oh lord. All I know is that she is something special, I can feel it in my heart.

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