Hide and Seek

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Oh god...please...please don't

Jungkook's back was pushed up against a bunch of clothing uncomfortably. His heart started to beat faster and his blood was racing all over him. The footsteps approaching the door was getting closer and Closer every second.
Jungkook knew he was screwed. He had no where to go. He was technically stuck on the extreme cramped space he was in. He closed his eyes as he was expecting the door to open up and reveal him any moment.
He held his breath as the sound of the door handle started to turn.

Fuck me


The door bell rang

The door bell rang again.

Jungkook shot open his eyes as he realized the door bell rang.
"Oh! Who is it?" The woman outside asked. Her voice was too close. Too loud. Which slapped Jungkook to his sense that she was that close to reveal him behind the door.
    Jungkook took a huge breath of relieve as he realized he wasn't caught yet. At least a bit now. Not in the setting he was in.

"It's probably Hyejin"

"Oh! She's here early!"


  Jungkook listened in on the conversation as he heard Taehyung's voice start to slowly fade away as he ran down the stairs to open the door.

Hyejin....right.That girl.
Taehyung did say that he was going to see her later on today....
But what the heck!!!
I'm still fucking stuck in here!
Wait, did the woman go downstairs as well or is she still in here?

  Jungkook moved as quietly as possible closer to the door hoping he can hear if the woman was still in the room.
  He lightly placed his ear against the wall of the wall in closet.

It was all quiet..at least it seemed that way.

Jungkook sighed as he wiped his sweat which was dripping down along his forehead with his hand. It was really stuffy in the closet.
   Jungkook really wanted fresh air at this point. He took the chance and opened the door slightly to see if his senses did not fail him and that he was the only one in the room.
   He peered around the room and quickly got out of the cramped closet realizing that he was the only one.
  Jungkook immediately felt the fresh air swoon over him which made him feel better almost instantly.
He knew he didn't have much time before he would get caught as he heard Taehyung's voice downstairs welcoming a girl, which was most likely Hyejin.
On that note.. did the woman from before also go downstairs or is she perhaps...still up here somewhere.
Jungkook peeked out the room and scanned down the hallway expecting not to see anyone. It was all dark, just like when he ran up here.
He creeped down the hallway unsure of what he would encounter first.
A new hiding spot?
The woman who is possibly still upstairs on the same floor as Jungkook.
Jungkook peered down the staircase as he walked by the hallway, debating whether he could just maybe creep downstairs but realizing it was too risky.
Jungkook continued walking along the hallway and walked into a random room. He pushed open the door revealing a bathtub, toilet and sink.
Jungkook looked around the washroom immediately realizing there was no place to hide in there.
Suddenly he heard footsteps walking along the hallway towards Jungkook's direction.


Shuffling and rummaging were heard in the washroom. Jungkook held his breath as he stood motionless behind the shower curtains. His hand rested along the wet bathtubs tiled wall.
The shower curtains were thick enough to hide Jungkook. Jungkook was honestly suprised he was able to hide behind the shower curtain in the amount of time he was given. His naked feet was wet. He looked down at the bathtubs floor and saw that the entire bathtub was wet.

Jungkook looked through a tiny slit between the shower curtain and the bathtub. Someone was in the washroom. He couldn't make out how the person looked like since the bathroom was dark and their back was facing towards him.

Messy hair tied up in a bun, a cardigan...the ones that mom's wear and glasses. That was all Jungkook could see as the women was reaching in different cabinets frantically. It looked like she was trying to find something... but it wasn't just normal searching. She was reaching up and down around the sides of the cabinets as quickly as she could. Somehow the back of the woman looked...strangely familiar.

"Do you want to say hi to Hyejin?!" It was Taehyung's voice.

"Coming!" The woman who was only a few steps away from Jungkook yelled back which nearly startled him in result.

That voice...it was way too familiar

Jungkook examined closely as the woman took a small package out from a cabinet and stuffed it into her purse before leaving the washroom. The vibration of his phone caught Jungkook's attention. He wiped his wet palm against his white t-shirt and proceeded to reach for his phone in his pocket.

There were three new messages from Taehyung

Wait...Oh yea, I gave him my number on the first day..

Jungkook swiped right to read the messages

[Where r u]

[Jeon Jungkook]

[Answer meeeee, where r u]

Jungkook started to type back his reply as the brightness of his phone lit up his face in the dark washroom.

[upstairs washroom]

Jungkook hit send and a slight grin appeared on his face knowing that Taehyung still remembers he was still in his house.

[Stay there]

Jungkook sighed as he read the text Taehyung sent back. He didn't know what that meant. Was he going to have to stay in the bathtub for another 30 minute? an entire hour? Or was Taehyung going to come for him right now.

Jungkook stepped out of the tub as he was getting slightly impatient. Looking at his phone, he has already waited a good ten minute. Jungkook poked his head out of the washroom and quietly started to make his way down the long dark hallway.

Suddenly a hand wrapped around Jungkook's mouth and pulled him into a dark room. The person slammed the door shut leaving Jungkook and the other individual in the darkness all alone.

Jungkook used his hands to get the grip off from the other person. His eyes was still getting adjusted to the dark as he managed to remove the hand away from his mouth.

"Who a-"

Jungkook's eyes widened

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