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How the fuck did I get turned on by Taehyung?? This is ridiculous

Jungkook closed the front door behind him. He fiddled with his keys until he got the right one to lock the door. Today was finals. The day he has been preparing for.
Jungkook took out his phone to text Yoongi as he approached the school entrance. He was lucky he lived only a block away from school.

[finals today]
[oh yea...]
[its today]
[where r u]
[hurry up and get here]

Jungkook sighed as he made his way to the big gymnasium where all the finals were held. The hallways were still quiet since Jungkook got to school early.
"Student ID please" the lady greeting Jungkook at the door said as she took a quick look at him. "Here" Jungkook mumbled out as he gave the lady his ID. The lady looked at his ID and back up at Jungkook before giving him access into the gymnasium. "Remember that once you enter this room, you cannot come back out until you finish. " the lady said as she pushed open the door for him. Jungkook looked at the time on the wall of the gymnasium and awkwardly chuckled "ah...I'll come back in 30 minutes when it starts" "alright, you can walk straight in, you do not need to sign in again" the lady says as she handed back Jungkook's ID.
Jungkook walked down the long dim hallway as he started to feel butterflies forming in his stomach. Was he ready for the finals? All he wanted was a pass. That's all.
He walked passed a flight of stairs and decided to just sit down on the steps contemplating why he even went to school this early. Only a few students were roaming around the hallways. "Jungkook!" A voice yelled out startling Jungkook as he looked behind him. It was Jimin standing on top of the stairs. "Oh hey hyung" Jungkook says as he watched him sit down beside him. "You feel ready?" Jimin voice filled with concern which scared Jungkook. "Hopefully, hopefully after all the tutoring I've gotten I can pass" Jungkook says quietly as he gave Jimin a reassuring smile. "You'll do well, everyone that gets tutored by Taehyung does well" Jimin says as he gave the younger one a pat on the back before standing up. "Really...?" Jungkook asks as he suddenly didn't want Jimin to leave. "Yup. Don't worry, you'll do fine. Just believe in yourself" Jimin says with encouragement as he waved goodbye to Jungkook. "I'm going to go sign in now" Jimin says as he disappeared from Jungkook's view. I have even more pressure to do good.

Jungkook sighed as he looked down at his phone screen which has lit up.

[Jungkook, where r u]

Jungkook looked at who it was from

It was Taehyung

[at school]
[where at school u idiot]
[stairs 2b]
[ok coming, stay there]

Jungkook looked at the last text and immediately felt his heartbeat increase.
He bit his lips as he remembered what happened between them yesterday.

Aishh...I knew bringing him into the house was a bad idea

Jungkooks thoughts were interrrupted by Taehyung as he ran up to him panting. "Why are you out of breath?" Jungkook managed to ask as he scooted over for Taehyung to sit as well. "Don't worry about me, worry about yourself " Taehyung pants out as he peered over at Jungkook. "Are you ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be" Jungkook answered back as he leaned his head against the stair railing on the side.
"Here" Taehyung says as he handed a mocha cookie crumble drink to Jungkook. Jungkook glanced at Taehyung and back at the drink before grabbing it. Naturally, Jungkook took a sip and peered over at Taehyung "how did you know this was my favorite?" Jungkook asked as he quickly took another big sip from the straw.
Taehyung chuckled out loud as he watched Jungkook sipping the drink happily. "I didn't know it was your favorite, I just got it because it was my favorite" Jungkook smiled as he handed back over the drink to Taehyung "thanks" "no problem " Taehyung says as he took a sip as well from the drink.
"I think i should go and get ready for the finals" Jungkook says as he suddenly felt his stomach do a backflip. Taehyung looked at his phone "you still have 15 minutes though" Taehyung says as he looked at Jungkook. "I need to find my spot still" he says as he swiftly stood up. "Wait" .Suddenly Jungkook felt Taehyung's arms wrap around his waist. It took Jungkook a few seconds to realize what was happening before wrapping his arms around him as well.
Students were starting to fill up the hallways as the crunch of time for the finals were starting.
"Good luck Jungkook" Taehyung softly whispered into Jungkook's ears as he felt his arms tighten around his waist.
Jungkook pushed apart the hug as he felt embarrassed as some students walked by. "Um..thanks" Jungkook mumbled out. Taehyung who didn't seem at all disturbed by the other students around them gave Jungkook a quick peck on the lips. "I'll get going now.." Jungkook says shyly as he pulled away from Taehyung. "Text me when you finish" "ok"
    Jungkook waved to Taehyung as he quickly blended in with the rest of the students shuffling their way to the gymnasium. 
   He walked passed the door and found his seat. Jungkook could still feel the tingle on his ear as Taehyung whispered into it.

Good luck Jungkook

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