Dazed and confused

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Author's 1st Note: Hey lovely people. ;)

So! I've decided to use this story to upload all of my Bechloe one-shot prompt requests from you guys.

(I'm rating it 'M' for any prompts that may reach that rating.)

This one was requested by "Anonymous" on my Tumblr: "Hi. Can you write a one shot when Beca gets a tooth removal or something and is really confused and confesses her love to Chloe? Also they are just friends. Thanks :D"

Who ever you are, here you go! Hope you like it! :)

Title: "Dazed and Confused"

Rated: T

"Come on, Beca! We gotta go!" Chloe hollered. She looked up the stairs and checked her watch, "Your appointments' in twenty-minutes!"

Beca appeared at the top of the steps and slumped onto the railing,

"Do I have to go?" she whined, "Why can't I just wait until all my wisdom teeth grow in?"

Chloe shook her head, "Dr. Wilson already explained that your wisdom teeth have to be removed as soon as they grow in, to prevent them from pushing your other teeth together," she used her hand to gesture for the brunette to finish coming down the stairs, "Come on, let's go."

Beca hated when Chloe played 'mom' with her. She wasn't a child. She could take care of herself. But at the same time, she kind of liked it. It was nice knowing someone was looking out for her. Especially when that someone was Chloe.

Beca groaned and lazily came down the stairs, following the red head outside,

"This is so stupid," she grumbled.

Chloe chuckled and started locking the front door,

"I'm sure you'll thank him someday."

She finished with the door and the pair got into her car. The red head buckled up and adjusted her mirrors. She looked over and grinned at her moping friend who was leaning against the window,

"Hey, cheer up. It could be worse. You could be getting a root canal," she joked, pulling the car out of the driveway.

Beca was unamused, "Whatever."

They managed to arrive at the dentist's office on time and Beca signed herself in. The assistant at the desk smiled at her,

"The Doctor will be with you shortly."

"Great," Beca mumbled under her breath. She walked over to Chloe, who was reading a magazine, and plopped down into the seat next to her. She kept her gaze on the ceiling, "This is annoying."

Chloe dropped the magazine and made a face,

"Stop complaining. It's a quick procedure. You'll be in and out in no time." She turned her attention back to the magazine, "Besides, you're only allowed to eat soft foods afterwards. That means soup and ice cream for you for the next twenty-four hours," she mentioned, trying to lighten the brunette's mood.

"Are you gonna feed them to me?" Beca smirked.

The red head grinned, "I guess I'm gonna have to since you're acting like such a baby about the whole thing," she teased.

Beca gaped, "Am not!"

"Beca Mitchell?"

The DJ responded to her name being called and looked over at the assistant who was searching for her. Beca brought her hand up,

"Present," she replied flatly.

The assistant smiled "Hi," he gestured for her to follow him, "Right this way."

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