Chapter One

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"Sir, ar' yeuw sure bout' fhis?" 2-D put his knife in his pocket and picked up an empty duffle bag.
"You have to! You're we need to be able to get more stuff at a time, Noodle can't do it all on her own anymore! We can't afford loosin' her, now can we faceache?" Murdoc crossed his arms and gave him a threatening stare.
"I-I know but, I'm nowt' aol faht' strong!" He whined.
"You ave' long legs and the ability to run faster then anyone ere'. Now, go on Noodle, run along! All I request is alcohol and for you both to come back alive! Well...Noodle at least." He chuckled.
2-D sighed and handed over an empty backpack to the short girl. Noodle gladly took it out of his large hands and put a strap over her shoulder. She fetched her katanas and walked up to Murdoc, who was calling her over. Murdoc bent down and put his arm on her shoulder, "Noodle, you'll keep him safe, right?"
"Hai." She assured.
Murdoc smiled, "That a girl, luv, now get going!"
    Noodle smiled and skipped over to
2-D, grabbing him by one of his cold hands, "Come, Teewdee, we got to go before all the bad thing get to our destination!"
"R-Right..." he mumbled. He always loved zombies, but he also had a huge fear of them at the same time. They really freaked him out, now more then ever.
    Noodle skipped around, off the concrete sidewalk and across an empty road. Despite the fact that Noodle was moving at a fast pace, 2-D had no issue with catching up to her due to the large steps he easily managed to take. Noodle's backpack and swords bounced up and down, making a sort of jingle sound with each innocent step she took.
"Hey, uhm, Nooble'?"
"Hai?" She questioned.
"Oh, yes? Sorry I still figuring out my English."
"Oh? Uhhmm... how unsafe is fhis' place we ar' goin?"
"Well, let's just say, be more afraid of living then the dead." Noodle said almost intimidatingly.
2-D gave her a look of confusion, but kept his mouth shut. He didn't quite understand, but he rarely ever understood things the first time he hears it, sometimes not even the second or third. He shrugged and figured Noodle would take care of it, she always does. Noodle looked at 2-D, then gasped, "Be careful, Teewdee!", running behind  him and slicing the head off of a zombie running towards him. He was so lost in his thoughts that he could've just died right then and there.
"O-oh lord I almost died an' we ain't even dhere' yet." He was hyperventilating, but if went away after a few moments when Noodle grabbed his hand once more, "You be fine! You just stay with me.I won't let anything happen to you." She reassured him. He nodded, then they carried on with their travels.
2-D now was constantly looking in every single direction possible. 2-D was known to have major anxiety which was one of the causes for his terrible migraines that he got often. He hadn't had pain killers in what seemed like forever, sometimes his head hurt so much that he cried. He also got cranky because of the withdrawals he had. He was addicted to cigarettes and the pain killers, which he hadn't had in almost months. Cigarettes were easier to get ahold of but Murdoc always took the majority of them, though he didn't smoke nearly as much as 2-D surprisingly. He just took them to piss the poor guy off and torture him.
"Aye, Nooble'? Ave' yeuw' eva' went to fhis' spot before?" He asked, hoping one of his addictive substances were available.
"Uhh, you mean this part of the town? No. I've heard there were less zombies in the area, but, that will mean more people."
"Oh? Wot's wrong whif' people?"
"Well Teewdee, now that we are in an apocalyptic setting, uhh, there are limited resources available. No one is safe, it truly is now a dog-eat-dog world."
He remand silent. Then began to talk again, "So! Do yeuw fink dhere' will be a smoke shop or a pharmacy in fhat' area?"
She shrugged, "I hope so but, I'm really more concerned about snatching some guns or at least ammunition up and food."
"Amu-... wot?"
"Bullets. Bullets, Teewdee. Bullets." She said flatly.
    He put his hands up in defense. Noodle looked off to the horizon, getting excited when she saw a chainlink fence. She ran up to it but before touching it, she made sure it wasn't electrical. After a few tests, she decided it was safe and started to climb. 2-D threw the bag over the fence then followed her, being careful not to fall, for he was well known for being fairly clumsy. 
    Noodle put her hand over her chin, "Humm...well, let's start off by rummaging through the zombies pockets and such and seeing if we can find anything good.
    2-D agreed, kneeling down and looking at a near by corpse, poking it with his knife, making sure it was dead and done for. Luckily, it was. Knowing Noodle had his back, he looked through the pockets of some camouflaged  patterned pants on it's body.
He pulled out something from the right pocket, "I foun' some shot gun shells, luv. Only one box but fey' ar' brand new."
She smiled, "Lucky find, no?"
    2-D snickered, putting the shells into a smaller pocket of the duffle bag. Noodle always made sure the items they found were organized, she would get pissed if things weren't in order. The main part of his bag was for weapons, larger tools, clothing, and some sort of comforting things like blankets or pillows. One of the two pockets on the side was for the bullets and any smaller tools they found. The third pocket was for miscellaneous items.
    Noodle's backpack was now used for dry foods, water and/or alcohol, a small variety of curtain useful items. Noodle was good at finding  small, useful materials but, was sometimes too short to reach them, making 2-D somewhat more useful in this situation.
    After a bit of looting the rotting corpses, they only ended up finding a pocket knive, the bullets and a container of stale goldfish crackers. 2-D heard Noodle call out his name. He turned the corner to see Noodle jumping in victory a couple yards down the street, pointing at a building. He cautiously ran towards Noodle, too see what she was pointing at. It was a sort of  small grocery store, almost like one of those little stores at the gas stations but a little bit larger.
"How hasn' fhis been broken' into yet?"
2-D  questioned out loud.
"I'm not sure but, it looks almost completely untouched by people. This just may be a lucky find!" Noodle ran to the back of the building, 2-D following right behind.
"Get off my ass!" She snapped.
"Sorry Nooble', I'm just nowt' used to fhis' an' I'm very, very,very, anxious at fah' moment." He whimpered.
    She rolled her eyes, standing on a trash can, breaking the window in the back with a rock. She crawled through the now open window. She pulled out he swords, looking around. Once she decided the coast was clear, she unlocked the store's front door so the lanky man could make his way inside. They noticed few items were taken but, there were plenty to steal and take back to camp. Noodle started stuffing her bag with water, chips, crackers, and any other food she could find.
"Grab some stuff too! We probably won't be finding any weapons today." She hurried him.
    He threw the bag down, unzipping the two empty pockets. He looked over the counter and smiled, finding boxes upon boxes of cigarettes. He jumped over and grabbed two handfuls of them.
"Seriously?" She gave him a dirty look.
"Wot? I've been dyin' fo' fhese!" He threw three packages of lighters in the bag as well.They needed them for the fires to keep warm anyways. She sighed and continued looking around for anything worth taking.
She giggled, "Want some condoms Teewdee? Maybe you'll find cute girl and want to uhhm, you know."
He shrugged, "I guess..."
She snorted, throwing the box at his head. He shoved them in the bag.
"Alrigh' Nooble', we don' ave' any more room, we ave' to get goin' now. We con' always come back sometime today or tomorrow."
She agreed. They exited the store and darted towards the fence, Noodle killing two zombies on the way out. A loud yell of a man filled the air which caused the two quickly throw their bags over the fence and dart back to camp.

(ON HOLD SORRY) 2D X Reader [Apocalyptic]Where stories live. Discover now