Chapter Two

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    "The hell is taking them so damn long?" Murdoc growled. He was cleaning out that disgusting trailer of his. Murdoc forced 2-D to stay in a tent while the others slept inside his filthy trailer. The tent was torn apart last night meaning he was allowed to finally sleep in the safe, horrid smelling shelter.
    Luckily, there was enough room for them all to sleep in. There were actually three beds in there and the couch. Murdoc stayed in his bedroom, Noodle slept on the top of a bunk bed, leaving
2-D to now sleep at the bottom, and Russel took the couch since it was the only place he could fit in.

"They will be back soon man, don't worry."  Russel cleaned out space in the geep to store the new objects Noodle and 2-D just might return with.

"You guys are killing me here...making me get rid of every single thing just so you can live in here. I say", he pointed his finger upwards, "we should just leave 2-D outside and strap him to the roof. Ahugaha." He threw random trash into the camp's fire pit.

"Just shove your garbage in the corner of the trailer man, you don't have to get rid of all- "Russel was cut off by hearing the voices of a young Japanese girl and that unclear cockney accident that was recognizable to anyone that had ever met him.

"Russ! Russ! Look wot we got!" 2-D threw the bag down, pulling the hood off of his head that was hiding his
vibrantly-colored hair.

"I say, we've hit, how you say, the jack of the pot with a...this  trip!" Noodle carefully removed everything she found out of her heavy back pack.

"Ehh, I'll look at your stuff later, I'm gonna go piss in the bushes." Murdoc stormed off, being somewhat angry at
2-D feeling so triumphant.

2-D took the opportunity to hoard most of the cigarettes and toss them into his backpack, along with a package of lighters, his unnecessary box of condoms, and his share of the snacks him and Noodle snatched up. He licked his lips while zipping his backpack shut.

"Aye Noodle, I say while Russ organizes fha' stuff, we go back an' look for some medicine for me head...cuz eht' feels like I'm dyin'." His voice cracked in the last sentence.

"How about we let us eat then we can go again."

"Oh, okay!"


    This morning at around 8:30am, we sent out all three of our scouts after hearing about a small, suspicious character that was spotted on the far side of the town a few days back. At around 9:15am, only two of the three returned. I stood behind a small fence, listening in on the current conversation happening between my boss and the two remaining comrades.

"I'm telling you, Michel was killed!"
Ricky exclaimed. He was the loudest of the three and also happened to be a complete idiot.

The boss rolled his eyes before turning to Ninja.

I know Ninja was the same age as me, other then that, I don't know much else about him. I don't even remember what his real name is! But, I do know this and why he has the nick-name. He doesn't speak much at all, only to boss really. He is very stealthy, agile, and can easily lurk around without anyone even spotting him.

"Ninja, explain."

"Yes sir. He has not been bitten or harmed by any of the undead creatures but, we noticed he had been stabbed and cut brutally."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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