It was the last day of my Spanish class so we got to do whatever we wanted and I wrote this weird story about me, my friends, and My Little Ponies. Don't ask. Also, I changed the names a bit so these are not our real names.*Not my best work
Once upon a time there were three girls. One was names Zaida. Zaida was evil. Zaida had two best friends named Rhea and Lilac. Besides them, Zaida was forever alone :(.
Zaida decided to go for a walk one day. Her red hair gleamed in the sunlight. Just then, she heard a noise. It sounded to be coming from Rheas house!
Rhea had arranged for Lilac to come over to her house that day. Her and Lilac were outdated hinting for frogs. They had gone inside for lunch when they saw a frightening sight!
It was purple. It had long hair. It had a horn! It was here to kill! Bang!
Zaida ran as fast as she could to Rheas house. When she got there, she screamed!
There was an army. They had many colors. They were small but powerful. Some had wings, some had a horn, some had strength and some.....well some were just plain dumb.
But there was one. It was purple but had a horn and wings. It was standing on a tower of books, all shedding a rainbow light that was enough to blind a person. It was in the middle of a big circle of them. Zaida knew, it had power. But where was Rhea and Lilac?
Rhea and Lilac were trapped. All they could see was darkness.
Before the MLPS (My Little Ponies) attacked, Rhea had whacked and thought she had murdered it, as it was laying on the ground in a pool of ketchup.
Sadly, that was not the case. All of the sodden, the MLP appeaser on the counter, instead this time it's eyes were red instead of purple, and if you looked close enough, it had little x's on the pupils.
"Rhea, run." Lilac said.
They ran for their lives. It seems silly, running from an MLP, but if you were there, you would feel the terror Rhea and Lilac felt.
Soon enough, something strange happened. As rhea and Lilac were running, they felt as if they were in quicksand. They felt like they were sinking, but really they were still atop the ground. Then, there was darkness.And the MLPS took over the world.
EndOr is it?
*Again, not my best work