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It would appear that all of Team Voltron's dilemmas started in the same way. With a routine mission that should have been easy.

This time, it had been an easy political meeting. It was simple- help the people with a small unimportant task or quest and gain their loyalty in the Voltron alliance. 

All they had to do was follow their guide to a cave and stay there for an hour or so while a strange god blessed them... this god had multiple mouths apparently. Nothing new.

Only two were needed to complete this easy task, the others would have to remain. No paladin armour, no bayards. That didn't stop Keith with his knife, but it did make things a little more difficult for Voltron.

Shiro of course, would stay with the village leader along with Allura and Coran. As their leader, he would need to be present for all the political speak and to protect the Princess. Lance, they had discovered, was quite charming when he needed to be, and he and Hunk would be remaining behind to entertain the nobleman's many daughters. Hunk was pretty much only there to keep an eye on Lance.

So that was how Keith found himself walking next to Pidge, staring blankly ahead as their guide babbled on about whatever. Pidge had volunteered, electing to not be a part of the "Entertain the Stuck-up Royalty" group, and Keith had been the only one left. And if he was honest with himself he didn't really want to be involved in the politics anyway. He would rather leave that to those that were good at it.

It had started fine, the rather chirpy tour guide leading them through a vast desert. Keith was rather enjoying the experience, the sight of the desert soothing to him, even though he could feel the sun beginning to heat his skin.

Pidge on the other hand seemed to be regretting her choice to volunteer. Her face was flushed and Keith could see the beginnings of a sunburn on her arms. He sighed before slipping of his jacket and tossing it to her.

"Your arms are burning." He stated when she gave him a questioning look. She huffed in annoyance but slipped on the jacket anyway, sleeves falling adorably over her short arms. 

Doing his best to not chuckle he turned forward, only to realise that while they had stopped, their guide had not. Keith could no longer see nor hear him, as if he had vanished into thin air or sank into the sand. It didn't help that the alien species hovered two feet above the air, leaving no footprints to follow.

They were in the middle of a vast desert, and he had no idea where to go. He and Pidge voiced their thoughts at the same time:


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