Chp. 1 The move

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Disclaimer: All of Stephenie's work belongs to her. Twilight is hers. This is a fan-fiction. Bambi and all the other new characters belong to me. The plot is also mine. Jacob,Embry,Quil,and Seth have already phased. This is purely a fan fiction because I really loved Twilight and I like to play with the limits of imagination. I played with the story line and kind of turned the Twilight Universe into a very sexual and crazy place.
Hope guys enjoy it!!!

At some point in my life, I always knew that things could get bad again. But I never thought that a series of bad events would happen so soon. Things were finally going good. I finally lost ALL of that weight. And I even had a hot boyfriend that was crazy for me. Mom had renewed her ten year contract at the school she taught at. And dad was about to get a promotion at his job. And to  put a cherry on the big ice cream sundae of my life; they even bought me a  2016 Honda Civic. Life is good....err...well I WAS good.

I threw a box on my bed as I tossed the last of my clothes in it. I decided not to pack much because I had planned to buy a new wardrobe anyway. I lost so much weight, I couldn't wear most of my old clothes anymore.
I turned around to grab the tape from my dresser. My eyes locked onto my full length mirror that hung on the wall. I looked a complete mess! My hair was a tangled blonde mess on my head. I still wore the clothes I slept in. One of my mom's baggy t-shirts and a pair of my dad's boxer's. Thoughts of them fussing at me for taking their clothes filled my mind of pleasant memories. They would always nag me about it. But I never listened. Nope, I never did.
Tears streamed down my face as I looked at myself. Mom always said a woman should always look good,even when things were getting tough. But right now I felt exactly how I looked.

Like a piece of shit.

I blew my breath into my hand and gagged. My breath smells like it too.

My phone began to ring, causing me to snap out of my trance of self-loathing. The caller ID said Taylor. A small smile crossed my lips as I wiped the tears away and answered.
"Hello," I said weakly.
"Hey babe. Whatcha doin'?," Taylor asked. His voice was thick from exhaustion. I guess he's just waking up.
I sat down on my bed and continued stuffing clothes in it," At home packing the last of my things."

He turned it's the receiver and asked," Do you have any heavy boxes left? I can come over and help you again."

I shook my head,even though he couldn't see me,and answered," No these boxes are light. Besides you helped me pack the moving truck yesterday. You should rest."
" Alright. I'm about to hop in the shower then. What time are you coming over?," he asked.
I pulled my phone from my face to check the time. It was 8 in the morning. I was going to hit the road around 10. I had a long drive to Washington and I knew that it would be best to hit the road before too much of the day passes by.
" I should be there in about 30 minutes," I said.

"OK, I have plenty of time. I'll see you then," he said before telling me bye and hanging up.
I locked my iPhone and tossed it onto the bed. After I tossed the last shirt in the box, I grabbed the tape off my dresser and taped the box shut. Then I sat it in the hallway with the other boxes.

Last week my parents died in a car crash. My very soul has shattered from the sudden lost. I truly felt incomplete now. Nothing seemed to feel right any more.
I slipped out off my clothes and got inside the shower. A sigh pushed passed my full lips as memories of the tragedy flipped through my brain for the hundredth time. They were driving in the rain..very fast...and lost control of the car. The car flipped a few times before they finally collided into a tree. Dad died instantly and mom bled to death before help could arrive. I bit my lip as I tried to fight back the tears. I couldn't fall apart today. I had a long drive ahead of me. Besides I've cried so much, I don't think my body could handle anymore waterworks. I would probably die from dehydration if I kept crying...

I was still 17. So, I wasn't old enough to live on my own. But thankfully, my Aunt Mary offered to take me in. They lived in La Push, Washington. That was a ten hour drive from here.
The moving truck is packed and my car is attached to the back,thanks to Taylor's help. Now all that's left is to tell him goodbye and to get this long drive out of the way. I feel tired already.


I opened the back door to Taylor's house and walked up to his room. His parents both worked all the time. And he never locked his doors. At first I thought he was just irresponsible for leaving the doors open. But then he mentioned one time," If I locked the door, how would you get in if I'm not here. This is your home too babe."
That sweet line was enough for me to leave the topic alone. And instead of knocking or ringing the door bell, I would walk in. Normally I would yell to announce my arrival. But lately, my voice has lost its usefulness. I would rather not talk at all. Maybe this was the beginning of my becoming a mute.

I trudged up the stairs to the bedroom. Halfway up my body froze mid -stride. My breath held itself in my chest. Maybe I was seeing things because of my lack of sleep. Depression can cause people to have hallucinations, right?

My finger hooked around the object as I closely examined it. OK...i could touch it. That means that I wasn't going crazy after all.
It was pink with purple dots on it. Frilly lace made up the straps and little bows were embroidered over the nipples. Taylor's mother was a God-fearing  lawyer with a wardrobe with barley any bright colors. This bra wasn't her style at all.
My head cocked to the side in confusion as I continued to climb the stairs. The bra was still hanging on my finger as I walked down the hall. After a few steps I spotted underwear that matched the bra I held. I don't bother to pick it up though. My ears picked up on the small sighs of pleasures down the hall. The noise filled the silent house. I followed it and found myself outside Taylor's door.

My mind was numb to the obvious. I don't know why I could not put the pieces together just yet. Maybe if I did, I could have mentally prepared myself for the betrayal that awaited me on the other side.
I swallowed as I pushed the door open. A lump formed in my throat as I watched Taylor thrust his dick in the ass of Marcie Millar. A cheerleader that went to our school that I have always hated.
Neither of them noticed me standing there. Maybe I had the potential to be a mute after all. My presence wasn't noticed as Taylor pulled his sex organ out of her anus and rolled Marcie on her back. She smiled at him and spread her legs," Hurry up before your little tool of a girlfriend shows up."
  Taylor huffed and grunted as he thrust his dick in her. She moaned in pleasure as he plunged in and out of her.

My heart throbbed in my chest as I watched the love of my life kiss another girl as he drilled her in the same bed we fucked in. All of our memories together were so beautiful to me...and here I was... seeing this bull shit.

I slipped out of the room and silently crept downstairs. My mind was a few paces behind as my body acted on its own. My hands went into the kitchen and grabbed the fire extinguisher. As I walked back upstairs I pulled out the pin and stormed to his room. He had her facing the door now. Still humping like a fool. My eyes watched as my feet kicked the door open. They froze and looked at me in horror. I frowned and said," Fuck both of you!"

My naughty fingers squeezed the handle causing the extinguisher to spill it's freezing foam all over them. Marcie screamed and got out of the bed. The foam on the wooden floor caused her to fall on the floor. I heard a snapping sound as she fell. Her screams of pain made my ears ring as I watched her hold her right knee. It was dislocated. Hmph.

Oh well.

I threw the fire extinguisher at Taylor. He tried to duck and fell out of the bed, bumping Marcie. She screamed even louder. Her knuckles were white as she held her leg in pain. I smirked and stormed out of the house. Without pausing, I climbed in the moving truck and started the engine. Taylor ran outside with a towel concealing his lower half. I gave him a final look as I pulled off. He ran down the street begging me to stop. I turned the radio all the way up as I pushed my foot on the gas.
When I think about it, I'm glad I get to move away. There were too many bad memories here.

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