Chapter 1

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May 17th 2014:

"I'm sorry Amber but we are leaving and that is final." My father said those words so casually that he could have been talking about the weather. Sadly he wasn't talking about the weather and even worse he was acting like what he was talking about was the most simple task ever. It wasn't.

"Dad! You can't do this! What about my life here? What about my summer? What about my friends? Mom! Please help! I can't leave right before my senior year!" I was getting overly concerned now, neither of my parents were budging. I couldn't believe what I was hearing or seeing.

"I'm sorry darling, but this is what is best for the family. Your brother seems okay with the idea, maybe he can help you talk your feelings out?" My mother was dilusional if she thought I was going to go talk to my older brother about this and I told her as much.

"Are you senile? I'm not going to go talk it out with Ben! Ben doesn't give a shit about where we go because he can be mr.popular anywhere! He doesn't understand what it's like having the same 2 friends your whole life. Ben acts like he gives a shit about me but if he did he wouldn't leave in the fucking dust everytime one of his popular friends came around."

"Amber Elise Statcher watch your mouth!" Of course my mom has to reprimand my sailor mouth at a time like this. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch right behind me. I looked at my parents and wanted to scream. This couldn't be happening, we are city people! Not people who move from the city to a ranch in the middle of some small town in Tennessee.

"Amber this is honestly for the best, you will make friends I promise. Maybe you will actually like it once you see it." My dad was smiling now, a honest smile that I haven't seen him smile in years.

"Do you even know how to run a ranch Dad?" I had to ask, what if they were getting us into something that was just going to end in anger and tears.

"No, I don't but we have ranch hands who will show us the ropes and we will all learn to love it. It's honestly going to be the best thing for us. It will be great." My dad sounded so excited. I looked at my mom and she looked just as excited as my dad. This was it, I couldn't ruin this for them.

"Okay. Fine but it better be as great as you are promising!" I saw my mother's eyes light up and my dad relaxed back into the couch. My mom squealed and jumped to hug me, she was rambling about everything I would love about the new house.

"It has three amazing rooms! one for each you and your brother. You will just love it I promise!" I sighed and smiled at my mom, internalizing the rest of my feelings about this move.

"I'm sure I will just adore it, Mom." I stood up from the couch preparing to depart for my room when my Dad grabbed my hand. I turned to him and raised my eyebrows waiting for what he was going to say.

"Thanks Amby. I know it will be hard at first but you will grow to love it, just like we do." I smiled at my Father and nodded my head, taking my departure to my room. Once I made it to the stairs and was alone I let out a huge sigh and slumped against the wall.

"Do you really believe I don't give a shit about you because I'm popular at school?" I jumped at the sound of Ben's voice at the top of the stairs. He was standing against the door frame to his room and staring at me, waiting for my answer.

"First of all, don't scare me like that again! Second of all... I might think that but what does it matter." I watched waiting for his reaction and what I saw was sadness.

"That's bullshit Amby and you know it. I wouldn't spend every weekend watching movies with you if I didn't give a shit about you." He had a point but he still hurts my feelings when he leaves everytime I try talking to him in school. He's my brother, he should be showing everyone that I'm not a loser like they think.

"I'm sorry Ben, you have a point and I love our movie nights but you are my brother you should be showing all your asshole school friends that I'm not a loser not running from me everytime I try to talk to you." Ben sighed and smiled sadly at me.

"You are right Amby, I'm sorry for making you feel that way. I just get caught up with the popularity and I should be more concerned with how it made you feel. I don't want you to feel like you can't come talk to me like you told Mom. Let's start over? New school and town might be good for us." This is why me and my brother were as close as we were, he hated having distance in the family. It drove him crazy.

"Yes, let's start over. I'm trying to be as okay with this whole thing as I can be but we are moving states! This is just so crazy." My brother nodded and held his arms open, expecting a hug. I laughed at him but walked into his arms squeezing him with as much force as I could.

"Okay well I'm going to go talk to dad about when we are leaving and packing up, I'll come back up later. I expect you to have movies picked out! It's still Friday and that means weekend movie marathon. I'll bring the popcorn!" He laughed and started down the stairs.

"Don't forget the extra butter! and the Milk Duds!" I yelled after him and he just threw his hand up as acknowledgement. Once Ben rounded the bottom of the stairs I turned and entered my room. I went straight for my bed and landed face down in my pillows. This all was too much. A new school, new people, new town and new possibilities. I sighed and decided that if this was going to really happen I was going to make sure it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was going to make the best out of a situation that wasn't planned. Tennessee here we come.      

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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