It's you're Birthday🎁🎉

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So it's ur bday. I'm at a highkey like wtf do I write. So bear with me here as I chug through this plot like the little freaking train that could.


The castle had just landed in another planet that was very similar to earth, so you all could walk outside without your helmet on.

You took this as an opportunity to go get a breather and have some alone time to think.

Today was your birthday and you were turning 18. there was no way of avoiding the topic, especially since the only person you had to talk with right now was yourself. You remembered how every morning on earth, your dad would wake you up and pull you to the kitchen. On the counter there would be a cake with a few candles on top and he would sit by you and quietly sing happy birthday.

You felt fresh tears burn at the back of your eyes at the memory. God how you missed Earth and your family.

Then you remembered the promise your dad had made you for your 18th birthday.

"We'll go to the moon (y/n), so we can look back on the earth you grew up on" your father had promised.

You let the tears fall in a steady waterfall as the pain in your chest grew sharper.

You heard someone step through the grass behind you. You turned your head and saw Shiro standing there with a little gift in his robotic hand.

"(Y/n)?" He breathed.

He kneeled down next to you and took your face in his hands. You stared into his deep purple eyes as he stared in to your (e/c), broken ones. He brushed his thumb under your eyelashes, wiping away your tears.

"What's wrong?" He asked so quietly, you could barely hear him.

Ohmygod all I'm thinking about rn is the scene where victor is crying and yuri's just like what's wrong victor. I'm mad okay?? Help me I'm dying 😭

You sniffed.

"I-I'm just a little homesick..." you said.

Shiro sat down from his kneeling position and pulled you into his lap. He set his chin on the top of your head, you fitting against him like a perfect puzzle piece. He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you tight.

After a moment he turned his head to face you and kissed your cheek.

"Hey, I have to tell you something." He said in your ear.

You hummed in response, your eyes growing heavier.

"Happy Birthday."

Your drowsiness quickly left as you turned to him with wide eyes. You've never told him before. How did he know it was your birthday?

He handed you a small box wrapped in a black ribbon. You gasped lightly and took it cautiously.

"Shiro..." you whispered.

"Go on, open it" he said, beaming at you.

You unwrapped the box and opened the lid. You stayed silent for a whole minute, staring at the beautiful necklace that was inside the box. New tears brimmed your eyes.

The chain was split by a rectangle of metal and engraved on it, it said,

"You're my whole universe "

You looked back up at Shiro and you pressed your lips to his.

"Thank you" you said, resting your forehead against his.

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