Qi Training + Monster Hunting = Getting Stronger

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I've arrived at the forest! Avoiding everyone and everything between me and the forest, I flew invisible through the air. And let me tell you imaginary friend, It. Was. Awesome. But that's over now and I got to go train in the woods.

My plan for getting stronger physically is pretty simple. First is to use the Chinese martial art Qi training techniques like from the novels. Once I've absorbed enough energy from the earth or what ever to increase my Qi power, I will then test out my strength on the monsters to see the changes. Then, back to training.

But first thing is first, and that is finding a clearing to set up in. Going a little ways into the forest, I found the perfect spot and started setting up. It didn't take long. Next, using the knowledge from my skill 'Scholarly Knowledge', which lets me know all about my abilities and also how to make stuff, I drew a rune around my sight and made a barrier that a dragon couldn't break through and also made it to where I'm basically invisible.

Time to train Qi now that my set up is done~. By absorbing and training Qi, I can supposedly increase my physical strength, so I thought it would be the fastest way to get stronger. I sat down in a meditative position,with my legs crossed and my arms relaxed, and started absorbing energy around me.

Not exactly know what it was, energy flooded my body as I broke through stage after stage of the foundation realm within minutes. By the way, this concept of 'Qi' doesn't exist in this world really, people just train and basically raise stats which no one can see. I want to train Qi because it's faster than the regular training in this world.

And even though it doesn't exist, here are the stages of Qi gathering from lowest to highest: Foundation - Core Foundation - Core - Core Demi - and all the way up to Deity, which even if I trained constantly, it would still take me like 200 years even with all my Qi enhancer skills I possess, so no. Not training that long. In fact, being in the Core stages is already basically becoming amazingly strong to the schools standards considering Amber is only in the late Foundation stages strength wise.


After breaking through to the Core foundation in about a day, I decided to go fight some weak monsters. I walked out of my barrier and immediately used detection magic to find something. Ooo, I got a hit, there is some sort of small humanoid monsters a little ways south.

When I got there, I jumped in glee! Goblins! Little green monsters that signify a monster filled fantasy world. Annoying in large numbers but weak by them selves, they are the number one beginner monster right beside slimes. Woohoo! e

I rushed at them and they turned to see me and with a "Gigi", they drew their rusty iron swords and charged at me. I didn't have any weapons, so this time I will just be using my fists and feet.

The first one I jumped and did a flying kick to his face which sent him soaring into a tree behinds them, dying on impact. Wow....I guess I covered my only weakness? The next goblin swung his sword at me, I dodged, and just punched him blandly, pulverizing it, killing it. Really? Insta death again? I gotta hold back a little. The last of the trio charged at me in rage and this time I just started poking him.....20 times per second. Never underestimate the power of a former button masher! Oops, looks like it died in 7 seconds.....

I think I broke this worlds physics.....No wonder Qi doesn't exist, it would be a constant struggle everyday. Maybe.....I leave it here for now.....but I still want to go fight more monsters!

Ah but before that, my puppet is......not being disturbed, maybe I should control it for a bit. I called out for water through the puppet and had it drink it. How did it drink it? Magic! I then made the puppet go back to sleep. Now let's go find something strong!


Traveling through the forest, I finally arrived at a place where a boss might be. Up until now, all I've been fighting is goblins and wolves, and even though some goblins had armor or could use magic, they still died in one punch. It was very boring, I'm starting to feel S**tama's boredom. Should I make my doll into a half robot?

In any case, the clearing I arrived in doesn't seem to have any boss, but it seems to be a place where -

"*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*"- And there he is, a big one, just dropping from the sky, the question is how. But yay! It's an Orc General! It's got a large build, large amount of vitality, and lots of armor.

"RRRRRROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!"- Quite yelling, my ears hurt you know.
"Orc-San, don't die in one punch on me now, I want to have a little fun!"- I ran at him at top speed and jumped to punch him right in the chest.

""*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*"- Goes the dynamite. My fist made a large sound upon collision with his armor and he was pushed back a couple feet, a little blood coming from his mouth. Good he didn't die in one punch, then let's gooooooooo!!!!

I charged again and he took out his hammer, swinging at me. Since I want to try my defense, I held out my hands to block it. Result, it feels like a five year old trying to hit me with a bat. Weak.

I ran at him again and threw punch of kicks and punches at him. He managed to block a few of my blows but soon all his armor broke and hew covered in bruises, but hi was still standing. Stubborn aren't ya?

"Sorry Orc, this is the end."- He charged at me in a death charge, I charged at him to kill, we clashed. Result? Red mist was all that was left after I didn't hold back what so ever. Did I over do it again? No idea. Welp, time to head back I guess. I'm strong enough to do a lot of martial techniques I have, so I'm good for now.


The weekend ended and I returned quickly, making sure to be on campus before the defense mechanism is activated. Oh did I not tell you imaginary friend? There is a divine class defense mechanism guarding this school which means, there is a 60% chance of my death, so I'm not bothering with it.

Slipping in the bedroom, I made sure no one was in and made a hidden hole in the floor. Reason? It would be a shame to throw this doll away, I want to keep it for later. I stared it in the hole, covered it with earth magic, and replaced the boards. Next, I gave my self sick symptoms and climbed into my bed. It's just illusion magic so I don't feel it, but it still feels kinda weird.

Tomorrow I got to got to school....dang it. I guess I will mess with Amber tonight to vent my anger.
Author's Note- Nothing much this time, just felt like leaving a note. How about this! Here is a prophetic question!

"If a sin, for example Pride, is so deadly, should we not have any Pride in what we do?"

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