The Mission Protect!

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"Eh? So she is your maid now?"- Amber and the others finally came back and we all are currently in my new room I was given.
"Yes Onee-Chan, I saved her from bad men and now we are best friends!"- I'm acting like I'm completely ignorant that she's my slave technically, they don't need that.
"And she became your maid to repay you?"- Lucas seemed to be on to me, but I will not let him find out.
"Hai! I want to repay her for saving me and I don't have money or anything so...."- Good Job Kioko! Nice cover up!
"So how long will you serve her?"- Lucas, stop asking questions please.
"Until my debt is payed......and even afterwards hopefully..."- The second part was whispered so only I could hear though.

Lucas seemed close to understanding, Amber and Aria still looked a little confused, but Zach on the other hand....he was panting like a dog.....

"AAAAGGHHHH!!! Why does Mabel get such a cute maid!!!!! And what's with that outfit!!! It's practically destroying self control as we speak!!"- If you haven't guessed my imaginary friend, Kioko is currently wearing her skimpy maid outfit and let tell you, even my self control is in the negatives right now. But I just recited monk mantras in my head to keep my self from committing a yuri act. Why is this different from before you may ask imaginary friend? Because this time.....her outfit is like a mashup of a sailor and maid uniform. Made by yours truly.

"Zach, don't become a criminal ok, this can help you contain your self later."- Aria, why do I sense something menacing coming from you?
"But it is strange though, where did find such a uniform?"- Lucas, stop it with the questions!!!!
"Ehehe, I just saw it randomly and decided to buy it. I thought it would look good on me, but I gave it to her instead."- I think I could win the Oscar award for acting right now.
"Heh~ Mabel in such an outfit. Ha~ ha~."- Aria, I like girls and all, but you need to tone it down a bit please.

We continued to talk for a while longer and I had Kioko change back into a regular skimpy maid outfit somewhere along the line because Zach was about to lash out. After about an hour of banter, there came a knock on our door.

"Come in!"- Its my room now, so I answer. But didn't expect the headmaster to enter.
"Ah hello everyone, I need you to come with me. You too Mabel."- Oooo, is this a mission I sense?
"Ok~, but can Kioko come too?"- Gotta bring my maid after all.
"That should be ok. Come along now."- And so we went with him.


We all gathered in his office including others like Akiko, Oliver, Ava, and some of the other top students in the academy. Most of them are curious as to why we are here, Ava looks disinterested, Zach is drooling at all the girls, and Akiko is looking at Kioko with a look of nostalgia on her face. Hmmm.....Maybe they have these type of uniforms in this world too? I wonder where they-

"I know it's kinda sudden, but I have a mission for all of you today."- Don't interrupt my monologue Headmaster!
"So I'm going to get strait to the point, we are getting a new student and I need all of you to watch over the new student."- So a protection mission? Why all of us though? Even Oliver could make a good escort.

"Headmaster! I have a question. Why do we all need to protect the new student?"- As you would expect from Ava, very strait forward.
"Hah~, because this new student is the next leader of the Eldolis Church."- Eldolis church? Scholar-sama, help me out here.

<The Eldolis church is the most powerful church in this world. It political power is on par with Phoenix Academy of Magic and Arts, and it's military power can over power most countries with just pure numbers.>- Oh thanks Scholar- Sama!

"Headmaster, don't the next leaders usually receive education from the priests?"- Good point Lucas.
"Usually, yes. But three days ago, there was an attempt on the next leaders life from inside the church. Apparently it was an attack by the Clarastop Radicals."- Scholar-sama, I shall require your assistance once more!

<Clarastop Radicals are a group that are extremely against the teachings of the Eldolis Church and only worship their 'God', whose teaching supposedly say that a angel of the world will come and save the world.>- Heh~ So they believe in Gaia do they? And Eldolis seems to be a Greek like church I guess. Wait? Isn't Gaia in Greek mythology? So they separate the two this world? Or am I mixing my mythologies again?

In any case, everyone seemed to be in shock at the attempt on the next leaders life, but since I'm playing the weak little girl part, I'll just let my self out.

"Kioko, let's leave dangerous things to the Onee-sans and Onii-sans here. Those radicals sound scary~."- Now if you would excuse me.
"Hold it Mabel! Your helping with this too."- Ugh the Headmaster was suddenly in front of me. Don't just teleport like that please.

"Eh~? But I don't think I could fight well....."- Translation: I don't want to fight the Dark Side.
"Ohoho! If you can beat Oliver in a spar, you have a little skill don't you?"- Translation: Your not getting out of this.
"I was just lucky that he let his guard down because I'm cute." Translation: Leave me alone old man!
"Then use that cuteness to distract the enemies!"- Translation: Join us!
"No~. They might take me and do this and that to me you know. There bad men you know."- Translation: Your not getting anymore translations, in tired of it, and this Headmaster.
"I'm sure you will do fine. After all, you seemed to be adept at breaking defenses."- N-no way....

"Could it be...."- I did it so well though, I'm sure I placed the wards how they were though. I thought I could play it off as they didn't put any wards over the windows.
"Everyone's different you know Mabel-chan, from their energy to the way they speak."- He-he did find out. Everyone one was confused at our conversation but all I could do was stare terrified at the Headmaster.

"F-fine, yo-you win. But no telling! It is one thing that I found out just recently my self!"- Covering it up more and more.
"Ok~, but just remember this lesson Mabel~Chan!"- I'm getting you back for this Headmaster.

"In any case, the new student will arrive with 2 days, until then, dismissed!"- Eh? Is it a boy or girl though? Well what ever, I need to relieve anger, Mofu Mofu time it is!

"Ma-master, you h-have that glint in your eyes again...."- Oh so you noticed Kioko-chan?
"Hehehe....come with me Kioko!"- And so I dragged her back to our room. I'm going to pet her and treat her like a giant stuffed animal all the way till I sleep! Yuri stuff can wait until my cover is almost blown.
Author's Note: Sorry that it's shorter than usual, but it's like midnight where I live right now as I write this so I'm kinda cranky and just want to hurry the story up a bit (It's hard right now you know, want this to be a good story). In the next chapters, we will have a new character, a rival, a major enemy, and an advance with the yuri harem our MC is going for. Not a big leap'll see. Anyways, goodnight!

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