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'He's going to reject us, Aurora,' my wolf Ashe whimpers.

'I know Ashe. I know' I whisper back.

"I, Alexander James Archer, next Alpha of the Blue Moon pack, reject you, Aurora Marie Stone, as my mate. I mean come on, would you really think I would accept a worthless mate like you? You're fat, and weak. You don't deserve to have me as a mate." Alex says sternly, with an emotionless tone. The moment those words left his mouth, it felt as if he stuck his hand in my chest and ripped out my heart. The pain was unbearable, and I was on the verge of breaking down, right then and there, but I couldn't let him know I was in pain.

"I, Aurora Marie Stone, accept your rejection," I say back, surprised my voice didn't crack at all.

My eyes snap open. The ache in my heart returns after what happened that night, six years ago. Ever since he rejected me, I ran for a year. Never staying in one area for too long. After a while I got tired of running, so I started my own pack. My pack has an estimated amount of 400 hundred wolves. My pack is the biggest and second most feared. I, the Alpha, am the most feared female Alpha known to all. I have been Alpha for the past five years. The most feared pack is called the Ember Wolves. Their Alpha is the most feared male Alpha. Although I have never met him, I feel as if he really isn't that bad. I no longer have body fat, I am fit and slim. I have my hair in a ponytail. My already dark brown eyes have grown darker. My pack is the most well trained pack. Crescent Moon is my pack's name. I am known as 'Alpha of death'. I don't mind though, it shows the effect I have on people. I turn my head to face the clock. '2:45' am. I throw the warm covers off of my body and I jump out of the bed. Time to get to training. I slip on a pair on exercise pants and a Nike sports bra. After getting dressed, I head to my study to see if I have any missed calls. For the past five years my pack goes around helping smaller packs become stronger. Other packs request our help is because we are nicer about our training. At least compared to the Ember Wolves methods. That's probably why my pack is more well trained.We help them train. We teach them to defend themselves. I don't know what it is, but Rogues are becoming a bigger pain in my ass every year. Over the past few months I have heard that Rogues have been attacking my old pack, Blue Moon. Not that I care, but I have to keep track of all the recent Rogue attacks, to know in advance what packs need help and when. My old pack is going to have to ask my pack for help eventually, but I'm also kind of hoping they never really ask for my help. But I know they'll ask eventually. Over the years I've learned that to be feared, you can't show any fear. You have to be fearless. A cold-hearted killer. That's actually how I got the name "Alpha of Death". A neighboring pack once tried to take some of my pack land, so I, myself, went and killed every last one of their pack members. Let's just say that no pack, has ever tried to mess with me since. Once I make it to my study, I open to the door to see my second in command, Jake, frantically pacing, back and forth.

"Jake," I question. "Everything alright?"

"Alpha Stone," He says as he bows his head in respect. "There is a pack that needs us to train them, due to the increase of Rogue attacks."

"Why do you look so nervous Jake?" I laugh. "We do this stuff all the time."

"It's not the training I'm worried about, Alpha," Jake mutters. "It's the pack we have been requested to train that I'm worried about." I stop laughing and I walk over to him.

"What pack are we being requested to train?" I ask sternly. His eyes stay glued to the floor.

"Blue Moon pack," he almost whispers, but because of my werewolf hearing, I hear him loud and clear. The ache in my heart begins to return again, so I get out of that room as fast as I can. I go straight to the training room. The pain from training all day and all night non-stop distracts me from the pain of being rejected. I put my headphones in and I begin to run around the outside track. I stop running when I'm thrown to the ground.

"What the hell Luke?!" I yell. He's bent over laughing. "This isn't funny. I should have you punished. You know NEVER to disturb me while I am training!"

"Aurora, chill," He says between laughs. "You weren't answering me when I called your name so I shoved you to the ground."

"What do you want, cousin," I say the last part through gritted teeth.

"There's a certain Alpha on the phone, just dying to talk to you," I growl.

"Alpha Archer from Blue Moon I'm guessing?" He quickly nods his head. I sigh and I follow him back to the pack house. I walk into my study as Jake hands me the phone.

"Hello Alpha Archer," I say, making sure to put as much hate in my tone as possible. "This is Alpha Stone speaking. How may I be of assistance?"

"Y-You're her," he mumbles.

"I'm sorry Alpha Archer," He grunts. "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Nevermind," He whispers. "I called to discuss when you're coming to train my pack."

"We will be there tomorrow. We will arrive around 9 pm and training starts at 5:45 am every morning. No one and I repeat no one is allowed to be late, nor will anyone get special treatment. Including you, Alpha Archer," I say sternly.

"Yes Alpha Stone," He responds. "Do you need direc-"

"No, Alpha Archer," I cut him off quickly. "I know the way there. I will see you tomorrow Alpha Archer." Before he could respond, I end the call and walk over to my desk. I turn to Jake and Luke.

I call a pack meeting to inform the pack on what's going on. I climb onto the stage and I speak into the microphone.

"My Beta and I are gathering our best fighters and our best warriors to accompany us when we help train the Blue Moon pack. They have been having a Rogue problem and they called upon us to help train them. Those who come along will treat Alpha Archer and his pack with respect. Anyone caught disrespecting anyone in his pack will be immediately punished. I want whoever is attending to be ready to leave by 5:30 pm tomorrow evening. I want to leave by 5:45. It will take about three hours to get there. I want everyone dressed in the following: Females will wear black skinny jeans with a white tank top with a black leather jacket and a pair of combat boots. Males will wear black jeans with a white shirt and a black leather jacket, along with black combat boots. Anyone who is not dressed in that will not attend, and will stay here and be tortured until we get back. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Alpha Stone," the pack says in unison. I smirk at how well behaved my pack is. "Dismissed. Return to your rooms. If Beta Jake or Delta Luke come to your door, that means you are attending and you must start getting ready immediately. Thank you." After I said thank you, all pack members quickly rushed to their rooms, to wait for a knock on their door. Once all fighters and warriors are picked out, I head back to my room. Once I enter my room I lock the door and head straight for the bathroom. After taking a shower that lasted longer than I intended it to, I plop onto my bed, and I welcome the darkness with open arms. Oh how I am not ready for tomorrow at all.

I'm a bad story writer. But this is better. Enjoy. Had to publish again. Having technical difficulties. Lol

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