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I groan when my alarm begins to blare. I smash it with my fist as I throw my warm covers off of my body. As I stretch I groan when I hear the satisfying pop of my joints. I rub my eyes in a failed attempt to remove the sleep from them. I turn my head towards my clock to check the time. '4:15'.

'What the hell Aurora?' My wolf snaps.

'What Ashe? We have to get pre-training before other pack members show up'  I laugh. I slowly but surely get off of my luxurious bed and I make my way to the bathroom. I do my business and wash my hands. After a warm shower, I get changed into a Nike sports bra and some Nike exercise pants. I slick my hair back into a neat ponytail. Making my way down the stairs, I grab an apple and an ice cold water bottle. I bite into my apple as I enter the training field. Finishing my apple, I begin my five mile run. I finish the five miles in 7 minutes. I look around for a clock on the wall to see how much more time I have to myself. '5:00'. Okay good. I have enough time to punch the punching bag on the wall. By the time I was done with the punching bag, my knuckles were bloody and the punching bag wasn't a punching bag anymore. I hear someone gasp and I instantly shoot my head up. You'll never guess who was standing there. Alexander fucking Archer. He looks horrified, yet there's a hint of pride in his eyes. He opens his mouth to speak but I quickly cut him off.

"When are the rest arriving?" I ask, not breaking eye contact. Hurt flashes across his eyes.

"They should be here any minute, Alpha Stone," He whispers, honestly if it weren't for my enhanced hearing I probably wouldn't have heard anything he said. As I turn around I focus all of my attention onto my already healing knuckles. I can feel Alex's eyes go from my heels, slowly up to the back of my head. I quickly snap my head around and I growl.

"Done checking me out Archer?" I sneer, giving him a cold glare. Just as he was about to reply, the rest of the 'trainees', as I like to call them, come running out onto the training field. I straighten my posture and I observe the trainees in front of me.

"Excuse me bitch," One of the males wolves shout, words filled with venom. "Who the hell do you think you are?" I laughed at that.

"I am the bitch who is training your weak asses," I shout back, with much more venom than he used in his words.

"You look weak," He snaps.

"Fine. Let us make a deal," I smirk. "You and I shall fight. If I win, you listen to me and you treat me with respect. If I lose, I let you become the new Alpha of Crescent Moon." Gasps fill the room.

"Members of Crescent Moon," he yells. "Be prepared for a new Alpha!"

"Alpha," Jake whispers. "Are you sure-" I put my hand up.

"I got this Jake," I grin. "Trust me." I turn to the dick who believes he can beat me. What an idiot.

"Let us begin," I shout. The moment those words left my mouth he shifts into a pure brown wolf. His fur shining as the sun hits it. His ears are charcoal black and his paws are black as well. I stifle a laugh at how pathetic his wolf looks. He lungs for me, teeth going for my throat, but i grab him by his snout and I throw him into a tree across the field. As his back hits the tree, I hear a couple satisfying cracks, signifying that he broke a few ribs. An audible whimper comes from his mouth as I make my way over to him. Before I can touch him, he swipes me with his claws before I have time to react. His claws dig into my back, feeling blood roll down my back. The wolf howls in accomplishment and I laugh. I laugh so hard I have to clutch my stomach, feeling tears roll down my cheeks. He looks at me confused. I take this moment to yank his claws out of my back and spin around so that I have his wolf's head in a deadly headlock. He begins thrashing around until his body goes limp. I drop him to the floor and I spit on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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