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Alexander(Alpha Archer)

I rejected my mate. The only person who was destined to be by my side for the rest of my life. The one person who was supposed to love me unconditionally. Man have I fucked up now. The recent rogue attacks don't help either, but luckily I have Alpha Stone coming to train. The first time I called, I recognized the voice. I swear I'd hear the voice before, I just can't remember where I've heard it. Once Alpha Stone ends the call, I mind link my Beta, telling him to meet me in my study. After a few seconds, my Beta, Xavier, enters my study.

"Beta Xavier!" I welcome, as he takes a seat on the couch in front of my desk.

"You called, Alpha?" He asks as he arches an eyebrow.

"Right to the point then," I chuckle. "As you know, we have had an increase in rogue attacks over these past few months. Each time the casualties in this pack grow, due to the lack of training. I have called Alpha Stone, the most feared female Alpha. She has agreed to come help us train."

"And you're telling me this because?" He trails off.

"I need you to prepare rooms, and tell the chefs to begin making food, Alpha Stone and her best warriors will be arriving here around 9 in the evening. I will be holding a pack meeting in a few hours to inform the pack. Do you know what you need to do Xavier?" I explain with a stern voice.

"Yes, Alpha," He replies as he stands up from the couch. "I understand what I need to do." After he leaves my office, I let out a loud sigh. I wonder where Aurora is. Is she okay? Is she safe? Is she alive?

'That's not your concern anymore Alexander,' My wolf sneers.

'Okay, I know I fucked up, Adam. Okay? I get it. I just hope she's okay.' I answer back, regretfully.

'Pack meeting in 30 minutes.' I mind link the pack as I go back to my room to take a quick shower. I turn the knob in the shower, to turn on the water. As I wait for the water to warm up, I take off my clothes and throw them into the clothes bin. I open the shower door, and I walk in. Feeling the warm water flow down my back to effortlessly, slowly begins to calm me down, making my tense muscles, relax as I just focus on the way the water flows. After I finish getting the last bit of conditioner out of my hair, I climb out of the shower, putting a towel around my waist. I open the bathroom door so I could make my way to my closet to pick out some casual clothes. After I get dressed, I head down to the very large living room. Stepping up the stairs, I turn towards my pack. I raise my hand to signify that it's my turn to talk. The room instantly goes quiet.

"Thank you," I begin. "Now, as you all may know. We have been having an increase in rogue attacks over these past few months. Every attack, there's more and more casualties on our side due to the lack of training. I have called Alpha Stone, the most feared female Alpha in the world, to come and help us train. When Alpha Stone arrives tomorrow at 9 in the evening, I want everyone on their best behavior. No fighting. No attitude. And most importantly. Do NOT piss off Alpha Stone or ANY of her pack members. If you do you will be pissing off the one female Alpha that could start a war, we all know, we would have no chance of winning. If I hear of you disrespecting Alpha Stone or any of her pack members, you will be punished, by me. And that is something that I can promise, you will NOT want. Do I make myself clear?"

I hear a bunch of 'Yes Alpha's, as I nod my head in approval.

"Now, everybody head to your rooms," I say as I rub my hands together. "We have a big day tomorrow. A lot to get done, and a lot to do. I want everyone well rested. Goodnight."

As I begin to leave the living room, everyone says their goodnights and they head to their rooms. I get up to my room and I lay on my bed. I toss and turn for a bit, until I get out of my bed. This is going to be another sleepless night. I think as I sigh and rub my eyes.

'And who's fault is that?' My wolf snaps. I was about to reply when I realized it's no use, my wolf hates me for what I did to Aurora. I slowly shuffle my way to my office, yawning and stretching on the way. I open the door and look around, noticing how much of a mess my office is, trash, papers, and clothes cover the floor. I wonder why I've never noticed this before. I sigh as I begin to clean my office. After a few hours of cleaning, I find myself, fighting to keep my eyes open. I make my way to the couch, tripping on a broom and falling face first onto the couch. Not exactly how I wanted to get to the couch, but hey. At least I made it to the couch. Just as I close my eyes, my office door is thrown open and the scent of cheap perfume fills my nose. Fuck. I open my eyes to see Stacy, the pack slut, standing over me, in a short pink skirt, and a tank-top that's way too tight in my opinion. She tried to bit her lip and look sexy, but fails miserably. Ever since I rejected Aurora, Stacy has been trying to take the Luna position. Stacy tries to get me to have sex with her nonstop. I tell her no every time, but she just doesn't seem to get the message.

"Leave Stacy," I growl. "I'm not in the mood."

"But baby-"

"Stacy if you don't leave right now I will rip off all of your toes and all of your fingers and I will use them as chess pieces," I snarl, seeing fear flash in her eyes, she runs out of my office crying. Now that I'm wide awake, I look at the clock of the wall above my desk. The clock reads '8:35'. I sigh loudly, as I get up off of my couch. Walking out of my office, I head to my room to get take a shower and get dressed. I take a quick shower, then I head to my closet. As I pull my shirt over my head, I walk out my bedroom door and I make my way to the kitchen to eat breakfast before the crazy day begins. (Flash forward to when Aurora arrives.)

'Alpha they have arrived' My Beta mind links me. I immediately get up off my bed, not even bothering fixing my hair, as it is probably in a jumbled mess. I go down the main stairs that end in the living room. Walking out of the front door I see a female on a motorcycle in the front and then cars follow behind. Once all of Alpha Stone's pack members are out of their cars, the female on the motorcycle gets off, and takes off her helmet. She's gorgeous. Her face is perfectly shaped, with big round eyes, with pink plump lips. She reminded me so much of Aurora, but this girl had an amazing figure, she was skinny, but a healthy skinny. I was pulled out of my thoughts when a familiar scent hits my nose. Smells just like- "Aurora?" My Beta whispers, just under his breath. The female walks towards me, showing no emotion.

"Alpha Archer," she greets, with a slight nod of her head. My eyes widen at how angelic her voice sounds.

"Alpha Stone," I say with a smile. "Thank you for coming to help us train. It's an honor to meet such a respected Alpha." She smirks hearing these words leave my mouth.

"No need to thank me Alpha Archer," she says sternly. "I'm only here to help train. After that I'm leaving." My smile quickly turns into a frown. Damn that stung.

"May you please show us to our rooms, Alpha Archer?" She asks.

"Of course, Alpha Stone," I say through gritted teeth. I show her to her room. It was a big room, with a balcony. This room is the best room I could have ready for her in such a short notice. I watch as she looks around the room, making it obvious that she was admiring the room. "Thanks, Alpha Archer," She says sternly. "I need to be alone now. So if you could," She points towards the door. "Leave." I nod my head and I leave the room, closing the door slowly and quietly. Why does she seem so familiar and why is she so entrancing? 

I am so sorry it has been so long since I have updated. Been really busy, and I have had writers block lol. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Love you guys! I'll update as soon as I can.

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