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1000 yards: distance
RD: 40x25's. Races usually only by 11 & over in meets. Each swimmer has a person who counts laps for them.
SD: okay... okay. This is really seriously getting not cool. For sprinter and pretty much the rest of the world, these suck. Like seriously, who wants to stare at a black line for, what, 15-20 minutes? It gets boring. You get bored. Bored = slow. Not much is going on. Your goggles get fogged up. Your cap starts falling off. All you want is to finish this torture. It's just so... long, that it kills you slowly and painfully. And by painfully, I mean painfully because it's boring. Not because it hurts. Because we all know you're not sprinting this.
Oh, hi there, distance swimmers. Didn't see you there. I try to avoid people who are as insane as you guys. (Remember. Entertainment only. I'm kidding. I don't wanna offend anyone.) sooo... I guess I have to mention you guys too. Somehow you make it through alive and you actually like it. Somehow you don't get bored and you actually pace yourselves and you actually are having fun at this. You're actually racing the other peeps.
Aaaand as you're approaching the final 50 of your 1000, you're actually sad that it's over. It feels so good to be cruising though the water for 15-odd minutes straight. All free. With no change in the backdrop. Staring at a black line. And people yelling at you. And foggy goggles. And falling-off caps. And the same line of a song stuck on loop in your head. And---
Aaaaaaaanyway. 1000. Yay! Fun!

This was fun to write :)
Do you guys like 1000's? I think you can guess from this book that I am definitely not a distance swimmer...

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