Chapter 2

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A/N: Okay, so I know I said I was going to update Luke Duty this past week, but honestly I had no real inspiration there to make up a chapter. I didn't want to put out a crappy one, so I decided Lost Boys it is! We will see how it goes, since it came in second place. Anyway! Hope you enjoy it. Sorry it's been awhile (and that it's mainly dialogue). Still trying to get the hang of this plot....


Gabe POV

Fag, it was a word that rang in my ear daily now. I don't get how one word can ruin your life. It took away my chance at friends. It took away my chance at happiness most times. The worst fucking part is that it isn't even true. I used to be happy. Once upon a time I had a mom, a baby brother, and a dad. We loved each other. Then I lost two of them. I gained Pam though, and then I lost the last. I played with the rings in my ear absentmindedly. Pam did her best, and honestly I tried to do mine. I wore a smile. I hung out with the guys at school. Okay, so I fucking didn't see them outside of there. They didn't really know what all went on anymore. We drifted apart when the rumors started. Then Vic left, and Luke got a brother. We ate together, and I guess that was something. I just-I felt like I was missing happiness. I felt like shit honestly. I laughed a humorless laugh. It sounded hallow. I was hallow at this point, but the tears still gathered in my eyes. As I went to wipe them I saw a shadow flying. Fucking flying. "I'm fucking losing it." I said, rubbing my eyes. That's when I noticed it getting closer to my window. My fucking window. "Shit!" I run to grab something to defend myself, but when I turn around I see the most gorgeous girl has crawled through my window. "Who the fuck are you?!" I yell. She squeaks, mother fucking squeaks.

"Sorry, but have you seen a shadow?" She doesn't even answer my question. Wait, why am I talking to her? SHE BROKE INTO MY GOD DAMN HOUSE.

"Oy! Trouble! What the fuck do you mean shadow? Why are you in here? I'm insane. You're insane." I don't know where the nickname came from. It fits though. She looks like trouble. Gorgeous, blonde, green-eyed trouble.

She cocks her head like a confused puppy, "Trouble? That's mean. I do need to find that shadow though." She perks up, "You can help!" She reaches out and grabs my arm, dragging me into the light of the window. She stops and caresses my cheek. "Were you crying?" She asks in a whisper.

"What? NO, Trouble. I'm fine." I answer her gruffly. She huffs, but nods and drags me through my house.

"Seriously gotta find that shadow."

"What shadow?"

"MY shadow. The little jerk ran away."

This girl is fucking insane. "Trouble, are you sure?" She goes over to my light switch and flicks it on. I look around, and she points to where her shadow should be. Instead of it being there, it's fucking gone. "HOLY SHIT, YOU DON'T HAVE A SHADOW."

"I DO have a shadow. It just is hiding around your house. I think..."

"What do you mean Trouble?"

She groans, and then a little ball of light flies her way, jingling. "TINK! Did you find the shadow?" A jingle, and I cock my head. "Tink? As in Tinkerbell? As in the fucking fairy?"

She perks up, "You know Tink?" I look between her and the shimmering ball of light. Sure enough, there is a fucking tiny woman flying next to Trouble.

"I've finally lost my god damn mind." I murmur, and shake my head. "You're Wendy?"

"Who's Wendy?" She asks with a cock of her head.

"You know, from Peter Pan?"

She smirks, "I do know Peter Pan."

I shake my head, "I'm dreaming. I'm fucking dreaming. Fine Trouble, you know Peter Pan. What's your name?"

She smirks again. "Find my shadow, and you'll know it."

I groan, "What is this? A fucking treasure hunt?"

Her smile lights up the room. "YES," and with that, she goes back to searching my house.

"Shit, fine let's find your shadow."

I hear her call out when she gets into my bathroom. "AH HA! I found you, you fudging monkey!" A shadow races across the room, and I can't help but laugh at this tiny little girl running after it yelling fake curses. Finally, I join in on the chase, and we've got it cornered. She jumps on it, and immediately the thing attaches itself back to its rightful place. "Okay, that was creepy as fuck."

She giggles, "You have a really bad mouth Meanie."

"Hey! I have a great vocabulary, and I am not a meanie."

"And I'm not trouble."

"Yes you are, but now you can tell me your name."


"Like I sang a song?"

"Yeah, it's weird."

"Weird is nice Trouble. Go with it."

She smiles, "Well Meanie, will you tell me why you were crying?" She goes and sits on my open windowsill, and I follow her. "I guess I was feeling lonely."

She gives me a nod. "Well, I have a secret."

"What is it?"

"Peter Pan," she pauses.

"What about him?"

She gets a twinkle in her eye. "Captain Hook pointed out that Pan was lonely today. Peter agreed, and wants someone to come back to Neverland to hang out. Want to come?"

I look her over, "I'm still convinced I'm insane."

She giggles, "You're not, but do you want to?"

I cock my head, "Who are you? Really Trouble?" She stands on the sill, Tinkerbell sitting on her shoulder, and says with a smile. "Peter Pan, that's what they call me. I promise that you'll never be lonely."

My jaw drops, "Seriously?"

She nods, and as if to prove her point, flies out the window, her hand stretched towards mine. "Fly with me to Neverland?" I debate my options. I don't have anything left for here. Pam doesn't even come home much, and I think it may be good for me to be out of her life. The guys and me, well we aren't close anymore. "Yeah Trouble, I'll come." She nods to Tink, and all of a sudden the pixie is flying around me sprinkling some kind of golden dust. I cough, "What the fuck was that?" I sneeze, "Damn it got in my nose."

She giggles. "For the trip you need a little faith, trust," she pauses with a wink, "and pixie dust." I groan, and take her hand. "Jump and fly with me. I can't wait to show you the island!" I grab her hand, and before I can overthink it, she yanks me out of my window. Sure as fuck, I'm flying.

"I'm going to fucking fall. I'm going to die. We're going to fucking die." As if I wished it, I start to fall.

She pulls me up. "Trust Meanie, trust me."

I nod and take a few deep breaths. "Okay Trouble, I trust you." And with that, we fly towards the stars.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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