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Two months passed by, the only time I left the house was to go to school. Paul tried his best to comfort me, I know it's killing him to see me like this but I can't help it. They left, destroyed my phone so I can't contact them, though I have a new one. They took everything, they said they'd keep in contact but they haven't.. not even once.

Everyone's been trying to get me out of the house, to go do things. But I can't. I don't feel like doing anything... not yet anyway. I looked up from my laptop when Paul walked in. "Go get in the shower, and dressed. We're going on a hike." He says taking my laptop from me.

"Paul..." I start to whine but he cuts me off.

"No, don't say my name like that. Get up and take a shower." He says sternly.

I sigh and get up. I go and take a shower. I get dressed in a pair of comfy jeans, a long sleeve black shirt, a red vest, my brown boots and my white beanie/hat. I pack my first aid kit, inhaler and blood sugar kit. I put an extra shirt and pants in the bag, a towel and a shirt and shorts for Paul if he needs it, knowing that he might. I put two water bottles and granola bars in as well.

I walk downstairs to see Paul waiting for me with my camera in hand. "So where exactly are we hiking to?" I question the adorably, cute hot head.

"It's a surprise." He say with a smile.

"Bring her home safely." Sam warns.

"Of course." He replies taking my hand.

We joke around while hiking. Paul carries me half the way up the mountain after we get off the trail. We stopped to take a drink of water. I splashed water on Paul and laughed as he looked pissed. I kissed his cheek and took off up the mountain again.

He chased me and pinned me to a tree. He kissed me quickly on the lips before I could react. "Lexie, you know you're everything to me right?" Paul asks.

"Of course I know that. You make it pretty obvious." I reply wrapping my arms around his neck. He puts his hands on my hips and kisses me more passionately. After a few minutes we break for air.

"I love you Lex, I swear I will never leave you. You're my world, I will do anything for you." He say pulling me closer to him.

I giggle at him as he kisses my face. "I love you too Paul."

We sit in a clearing near the top of the mountain, a family of bears pass by. I grab my camera and take beautiful pictures. A mama bear and her three cubs. Absolutely beautiful, Paul seems on edge but I'm intrigued by them. I move to a tree and start to climb it with ease. I get up high enough and take more pictures of them. They soon leave and I climb down the tree.

"That's weird.." Paul mutters.

"What is?" I question.

"Well, most bears would have attacked.. especially a mama bear." He replies being on high alert in case she's circling us.

"Paul, you don't have to worry. If you don't mess with them, they won't mess with you. And I don't think this is her territory anyways, otherwise she might have attacked, she's a passerby." I reply.

"Well still. I smell like a wolf, wolves and bears are natural enemies. They usually attack no matter what." Paul says.

"Then let's head back home. I've gotten some good pictures." I say as I take a look, some of the bears, of Paul and me, some of the scenery, and some of just Paul.

"Not yet. I want to show you something." He says taking my hand and pulling me along.

"Where are we going Paul?" I question the adorable hot head.

"It's a surprise, beautiful." He says causing me to blush.

He stops and covers my eyes. "Paul.." I say in a warning tone causing him to laugh.

"Don't worry, I won't let you get hurt. I promise." He says leading the way. I just nod my head and we walk.

Once we stop Paul sits me down and removes his hands from my eyes. There in fronted me is a beautiful view of the sun set. I brought my camera up and took a picture. I took a picture of Paul staring at the sunset as well. Then I gave him my camera to take a picture of me. After dark we head back home.

Alexandria Cullen Where stories live. Discover now