differences with words

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Okay, so I see in a lot of stories on Wattpad, people always get confused with there, their, they're, where, wear, were, we're, will, we'll, well, you're, your, it's, its.

Let me enlighten you.

There- means a place away from the person

Ex: The coffee shop is right there.

Their- it shows possession

Ex: That's their table. This is ours.

They're- a shortcut for 'they are'

Ex: They're being lazy.

Where- asks where a certain place is

Ex: Where is she?

Wear- to put something on

Ex: She's wearing a coat.

We're- short for 'we are'

Ex: We're going to the party.

Were- long, long definition. Search in the dictionary .-.

Ex: Those were her flowers.

Will- also long definition so search in the dictionary .-. .-.

Ex: She will go to the store today.

We'll- short for 'we will'

Ex: We'll go there today.

Well- in a good or satisfactory way

Ex: She means well.

Your- shows possession

Ex: It's your decision.

You're- short for 'you are'

Ex: You're late to school.

It's - short for 'it is'

Ex: It's right there.

Its- shows possession

Ex: That item is its favorite toy.

Gets? Okay..

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