i . disquietude

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disquietude /dɪsˈkwʌɪətjuːd/ noun

a state of uneasiness and anxiety

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A gun pointed to such an innocent creature.

The dogs ears perked up and stared at the gun without a hint of disquietude in its eyes.

It tilted its head in confusion as the girl who appeared to be only around 19, dressed in all black, breathed out. Her own breath swirled around in the cold air and she pressed down on the trigger slightly harder. Just as she looks away, about to shoot the gun, a couple walks in-maybe around 19 aswell- and stared at her with both fear and confusion.

The smiles that were still visible from the previous conversation they had before they walked in on such a scene faded away and were replaced with looks of uncertainty.

"e-excuse me." the male stutters out with nervousness, his eyes moving from her pale face, to the gun, to the black Labrador stilled in a sitting position.

she turns to face him with her piercing aqua eyes that were the only hint of colour that happened to be on her body, besides the purple nail polish and the deep crimson bags under her eyes.

"What are you doing with that gun?" He asks with the slightest bit more confidence in himself, the couple flinches as the girl turns to face them, her plain black knee high dress spinning around from the momentum of her sudden movement.

Mae looks her up and down, from her black buckle shoes that resembled Mae's high school shoes, up her legs that were half covered with plain black knee high socks, her eyes travelled further up to meet with the bottom of her mid thigh dress and her right hand holding the pistol. her eyes drifted upwards to the choker tied around her neck, before meeting with the dark purple lipstick and her aqua eyes, then up to her black hair tied slickly into a high ponytail.

"My job." she replied with a breathy tone.

"o-oh.. well if you will, please put the gun down and we can talk about this.." Mae says, she has no clue what she's saying. She was in an extremely taken aback state.

the gun drops and they flinch as it clashes with the hard pebble footpath of Mae and Oscar's backyard. The dog snaps its head to the side and sprints away.

"What are you doing?" Oscar leans over and barely audibly whispers in Mae's ear.

she shushes him and they both step back slightly when the girl with the unknown name looks up at them, her eyes are searing through their skulls.

they shared a 7 second silence before the stranger forcefully throws herself into Mae's arms, whispering i'm sorry repeatedly.

Mae's eyes widen in shock, the sudden disturbance of silence making her heart jump and she cautiously and loosely wraps her arms around her

"o-oh no it's okay.. it's okay" they pull away and Mae has her hands on the girls shoulders.

"Why don't you come inside and have something to drink what's your name?" Mae talks quickly and soothingly at the same time.

"My names Death." She says casually

"Okay my name's Mae come inside we'll calm you do- sorry, what was your name again?"

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hey hey hey it's Steph with my first independent (a book that isn't shared with tegan)

story on this account. Mhm, story line thought of independently, cover made independently, name's thought of independently. inspiration came from a short film with Dodie Clark in it (I forgot the name it might be in the next chapter.) Hope you enjoy :) -This is a short story btw this isnt a long time thing.



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