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Scarlet let out a deep sigh when she saw a nurse had entered her room, she didn't know when last she was acquainted to someone's company. She felt lonely and disheartened, so much like she had felt when she first entered prison, but then got used to it, now she missed those cells and chatters from her inmates.

She was left alone in the hospital room for days on ends until she had forgotten days she had begun to count. Her eyes always sought for the window and the birds and cars she had seen pass by. It gave her a little satisfaction and something to look upon every day when she woke up.

She was given a healthy and large meal everyday, two times a day. She would even have leftovers most of the time because the previous meal was still not digested. She then started to wonder if such good food was served in the hospital to every patient. Maybe they did.

She was seated against her pillow as it was pressed against the wall behind her. Hands folded and wringing, she looked up at the nurse who flashed her a bright smile. She smiled back, feeling her heart warm and tingling. It was after long that she looked forward to meeting someone and felt like it was the best time of her day.

"Scarlet, I have some condemnable news," she said, sadly shaking her head a little.

"There is nothing condemnable about the news, as all news are the same to I," she said with a small smile.

"You are expected to be returned back to prison by tomorrow morning, this shall be your last night here."

"It's good news, I shall finally be able to breathe through the fresh air and maybe even repent for my ugly deeds," she replied, looking away towards the window to see a bird peeking through, but she knew better that he would leave after it's long gazing.

"Scarlet, you don't look like one to do any horrible thing," the nurse said, feeling that girl in front of her was nothing, but soft hearted.

"Everyone out there has an indecent side, mine was more than the rest, and I shall pay for it till I shall be forgiven, "Scarlet! It's inauspicious to utter such immodest words," the nurse gasped out.

"I am immodest, there is nothing ensconce about it," she stated factually.

The nurse said nothing about it after that, in fact she left without another word and Scarlet let out a sob of suffocation, she was suddenly reminded of her past, that awful night. She felt haunted and doomed from all sides as if the shadows of her past were too close to catch up to her again. She wished, oh, she dearly wished those monsters never even smelled a wiff of her, because she knew if they did, they would destroy the little sanity she had.

The night had passed and the day had come in flashes and she didn't notice when such time had passed. She changed into her jail  uniform and was waiting to be taken, until a warder walked in and handcuffed her and escorted her to a police van, driving away from the hospital until the central jail was visible.

When Scarlet entered the hallway of the jail, she noticed it was silent and there was chatter coming from the cafeteria. She smiled, knowing she was in time for breakfast. Her handcuffs were removed and she stepped into the large vast kitchenette. All eyes sought her and suddenly the chatter died and the large room began ringing with silence

Everyone stared at her hard and long, Scarlet began to tremble. Fear sat in her and her hands clutched the scratchy material of her uniform tight into her fist. She thought maybe she made a mistake thinking too much about returning to a place which would never become her home. Maybe she was too happy about coming, she didn't realise that was her punishment. That this was also a hell made for someone like her. That this was no home, it was a place where creatures and murderers lived, people who came to pay a price for breaking the rule and law of life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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