Chapter 1

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Ashiya's PoV

"Ashuuuu," I heard my Ammi yelling from outside. "Come out you lazy lad. Yasmeen is here and we are going to leave. "

"Coming,"I yelled back after coming out of the washroom with a towel around my neck. Damn I should have woken up earlier. My room was a mess but I didn't have the time to pay attention to that. I had to get ready .

Well my Ammi is leaving for Hajj today with her friend Yasmeen. I couldn't go with her due to financial reasons so Ammi decided to leave me at Mariam Khala, her best friend's, place. 

I opened my wardrobe to take out a royal blue skirt, a white shirt and a white hijab. Removing the towel from my head, I blow dried my hair and put them in a low bun. As I got dressed, I wondered how I'd manage at someone else's house without my Ammi. Mariam Khala was not a stranger, but I had never lived at her place before so I felt a bit anxious.

Pushing these thoughts away, I made my way downstairs to find Ammi and Aunt Yasmeen waiting for me. I smiled sheepishly.

"All set?" I grabbed an apple from the dinning table.

"Yes, " Ammi answered calmly. "Where's your luggage?" I pointed towards the door where I had kept my luggage last night because I knew I'd be late in the morning. Ammi shook her head in disbelief.

"Are you guys ready? " asked Rashid uncle, husband of Aunt Yasmeen, as he entered through the door. 

"Yes we are," replied Aunt Yasmeen as she handed him their luggage. She was a jolly lady who always had a smile on her face. No wonder why she was so close to my Ammi.

We sat in our car and in around twenty minutes we were outside Mariyam Khala's house.  She was standing outside as if waiting for us. 

"Take care of her, Mariam," Ammi said to Mariam Khala to which she smiled.

"Of course I will. She is my daughter too, afterall "Khala replied. 

"And you," Ammi turned to me, "don't trouble your Khala too much and don't lay around all day. Study well for your exams." I nodded like a good kid. "Alright then. Allah Hafiz. "Ammi said and turned to leave. I grabbed her hand and hugged her. 

"I am gonna miss you. " I said. 

"Me too. And InshaAllah I will return safe, "Ammi caressed my head. I went ahead to hug Aunt Yasmeen and bid them a safe journey. Meanwhile, Ammi and Khala hugged and exchanged goodbyes.

Then, Ammi got inside the car and left .

"Don't worry dear, she'll be fine. Now smile cause I have made pancakes for you," Khala tried to cheer me up and it worked. Mariam Khala had always been like a mother to me. I grew up playing with her sons since I was a kid. She had three boys, Ahan, Arhan and Ayan. Ahan was the eldest one and I didn't know much about him since he was always quiet. Arhan and Ayan on the other hand were like my own brothers, always pulling my leg and supporting me in all kinds of mischief. They were truly my partners in crime.

"I love you Khala," I hugged her.

"I love you too, baby, "she replied and we headed inside her house. The house seemed really quiet. I wonder where Ayan and Arhan were. As if sensing my question, Khala spoke, "The boys are out and will be back by the evening. Make yourself at home." 

Her house was big, giant to be precise. The walls were fancy and the furniture well furnished. Apparently her eldest son liked fancy things, as I had heard Khala telling that to Ammi once. Our house wasn't small either but it was nowhere near as big and elegant as this one.

Khala brought pancakes for me which tasted like heaven. She had a secret recipe for everything she made and that's what made her food delicious. I would have asked her about it had I been into cooking but I wasn't so I dropped the idea and dived into the pleasure of eating.


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