Chapter Five

51 6 5

Taylor Swift


Mom, what happen? Are you just alright?" I ask her, worriedly.

She shook her head, reassuring that she's alright. As cupping my face with her hand. "my dear, its alright. I'm alright now."

She told me, wiping the tears in my cheeks. As I calm down myself, trying to give her a smile.
I was so scared on the way here, I was crying loudly on the way up here. I was too scared that I might lost her.

"Mom, I'm going outside to get some air. Do you want something? Food and drink?" I ask  her but she just shook her head.

"No dear, I don't need anything." She told me as I nod making my way out of the hospital.

As walk in the busy streets of New York, its still bright because of blinding streets lights that hurts my eyes.

As suddenly, someone dump on my body hard making the both of us knock on the floor.

"Mr. Styles, are you alright sir?" Someone yelled at the background. I tried to push the heavy body off me.

I angrily sign, shaking my head, how unlucky this day for me?

I turn to see a middle age man, helping the man that knock off me with him on the dirty floor. So now that's my dress was dirty its means that I need to fucking go home to take a shower and change instead of going to hospital.

"Miss, are you alright?" The man holding the drunk man up against his holder. I nod lifting myself up to stand up brushing away the dust out off.

"I'm alright." I told him, looking at the man that was currently drunk.

Wait? Its Harry Fucking Styles! Oh, yes! Its him the bastard, himself.

"George! Where's the car?"  He ask the middle man, that was probably his driver.

"This way, sir." The man was guiding him toward the car. But the gray man haired turn his head on me.

"Dear, your going to be alright yourself?" He ask me as I nod

"Yes, I'm fine.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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