Chapter 3- The Inter-Region Pokelab

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Avie and I ran into the Ketchum's kitchen toweled dry and starving. Pearl was back in her safari ball and we wanted some of Serena's freshly baked honey and pecha berry surprises. The surprise was the middle would contain something extremely yummy and you didn't know what it was until you bit into the sugar cookie dough, with pecha berry and honey drizzle all over it. Serena runs the Honeysuckle bakery next to the Pokecenter in Fuchsia city. We live on the outskirts, next to the safari zone entrance. It's about a ten-minute walk to get to the Ketchum's but their technically our next-door neighbors because they 're the next house along the dirt road from us.

Mum has a store next to Serena's where she sells evolutionary stones and specialty charms. It's called Maya's Gems and Charms. She has a special charm to give to anyone who finishes the Kanto Pokedex, but she can pretty much make a charm to serve any purpose. Ash is the gym leader of Fuchsia city; all his Pokémon are ice type. He has a Glaceon, a Lapras, a Dewgong and an Alolan Sandslash. They all live at the gym and Ash loves and cares for his Pokémon. I think he's strong gym leader, many people have trouble beating him.

Auntie Petrah is a Pokémon photographer. She mostly lives in Fuchsia city because of the safari zone but will go to any region to photograph Pokémon. Now you're probably wondering, 'Why don't you live in Viridian city to be close to the Indigo Platea'. There is a reason, and I will explain it.

When my parents got engaged, they were looking for a permanent place to live. For some reason, they chose Fuchsia city, and they had it worked out so my Dad only was up at the Platea 1 out of 4 weeks. Then I was born and Dad suddenly started staying at the Platea more and more. Soon he was up there 50 out of 52 weeks and they realised that they needed to move closer to the Platea. But Mum's store was up and running then, and she physically couldn't move. I was 5 then, and I threatened to run into the safari zone and never come back if we moved. I knew the Chansey's would take care of me, they were like the mother I never had.

"Skye! I heard you caught Pokémon! What is it?" Ash said, he was always interested in Pokémon. I think he is privately disappointed that Avie isn't really interested in becoming a trainer. I was about to speak but Avie cut in, "Yeah, about that Dad. I was wondering whether me and Skye could go to the Inter-Region Pokelab."

Avie just dropped a bombshell. She wants to get a starter Pokémon. Arceus, she didn't even ask me if I wanted to go. She just assumed that because I accidently caught a Dragonair, I would want a starter. Well, I kinda do, but she shouldn't just assume like that. Even though I want to go, there is still Mum and the twins to consider. They won't be happy I'm just leaving

The Inter-Region Pokelab was built 5 years ago. It was a project to make the Kanto region a more diverse place by allowing you to choose from all the starters from every region. It attracts professors from all around. It's basically the hub of the Kanto region. Everything that's going on is going on there.

"Skye? Do you want to do this too?" Ash knows his daughter too well. At this point Lulu joined in the fray. She's 9, and a mini Ash, except for the 2 messy buns that she always wears. Sometimes she wears her hair in long braids and always manages to look cute. She is obsessed with becoming the champion of all the regions.

"Yeah, I guess. I'll have to ask Mum though." Avie flashed a smile across the kitchen, she was obviously worried about my response. I smile back, it's genuine, although Avie has her faults I still love her. Ash calls, "Serena, Maya and Petrah! Come on down here! Avie and Skye want to talk and get into those honey and pecha berry surprises!'

"Coming!" Serena called back as she appeared at the top of the staircase, honey in her hair and flour on her face. She is beautiful, but not because of her appearance. I mean, she looks great, but she kind of emits this happiness aura that is extremely noticeable. It's like she glows.

"What is it you want to talk about, girls?" Mum ask as we all sit down at the clean Perspex glass table, as Serena put's at least 50 of the surprises on a plate patterned with Eevees in a flower field. Serena comes and sits down and I respond, "We want to go and get starters and start on our Pokémon journey."

"That sounds like an extremely good idea!" Auntie Petrah says, her face lit up with happiness, "I loved my Pokémon journey!"

"Yes, go Skye!' said Mum, surprising me "It would be a great opportunity!"

Ash and Serena agreed to let Avie go and it was set in stone. I was going to get a Pokémon. Well, another Pokémon. But you get what I mean.

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