Chapter 8 - Cecilla's life

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Thank you MlpMidnightHowls , Marichat2876 , Nehili and JacksonChase101 for the help


Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Cecilla's/Luna's POV

For the people who don't know me, my name is Luna. I'm China's superhero, Cecilla. My kwami's name is Wolfy. I have blonde and brown, long wavy hair. My eye colour is light green and my skin tone is pale. I am the daughter of a rich family. (photo at the top)

I woke up to the sudden buzzing of my alarm. I groaned and used my pillows to cover my ears.

"Come on Luna you need to go to school or else you will be late!" My kwami, Wolfy said.

"Ok, ok, I got up" I yawned.

"Luna your dad is going to drive you to school! You should be quick!" My mom yelled. "I'm almost ready!" I replied.

I got dressed into a cream coloured long sleeve top, a light pink short skirt, and light brown shoes.

I got dressed into a cream coloured long sleeve top, a light pink short skirt, and light brown shoes

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When I was about to get my phone I saw a picture of me and my childhood friend.


I was swinging on the swing alone. I looked at other children playing with each other.

"Hello, My name is Marinette!" A girl with midnight blue hair and bluebell eyes said.

I didn't say anything I just looked down. She turned her face to one side and smiled. "What's your name?" She asked.

I looked up and hesitated to answer. "L-Luna" I mumbled. "I didn't quite get that" She said. "Luna" I said again.

"That's a nice name, Luna" She said smiling brightly. "Thank you" I blushed.

I looked up to see a crown she was wearing. "Are you a princess?" I said. "Mhmm, I am!" She nodded.

"That's so cool! I always wanted to be a prin-" I excitedly said "Marinette! We need to go home!" Marinette's mom said. "Okay mommy, coming!" She said back.

"I guess this is a goodbye" She shakes her head "This isn't a goodbye it's a see you later till next time!" She said running towards a woman with a beautiful dress and a crown.

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