We've talked about stripping away the 'unnecessary' so we could live more by heart and gut and spirit, but that doesn't mean we all need to go an meditate in a cave for the rest of our lives. Besides, as a little angelic voice whispered in my ear "where's the fun and that and there aren't enough caves for everyone."
So why do the cave thing then? Because it's the fast way. There are less distractions, less 'needs' to find 'solutions' for and so less noise to hear your true spirit song through.
But what else did we learn? That conflict speeds growth and finding the truth. By this theory we should cover ourselves in 'needs' so we are forced to find the truths damn quickly or drown and die. A little excessive but in theory one of the paths.
Some of you may notice that those are the two opposing winds of the four.
So where do the majority of us sit then? In the other two camps, a mixture or loading and offloading the baggage.
As another analogy (you know I love them) I thought of an orchestra playing together. The instruments represent the needs and facets in our lives and the solutions are the notes and melody they play. A trumpet has sounds and styles that suit it, so do flutes, drums and so on. There's no harm in them playing their individual tunes but we get internal conflict when the tunes clash. Everyone knows the cacophony you get when things aren't playing out smoothly. So to make it all easier we strip down the orchestra to only those we need to make a song. The 'cave option'. Nice enough but it lacks depth.
Our trick in enlightenment is to understand that it is our spirit that should be guiding us, like the conductor at the front. Our spirit is our purest form and knows our true music. Once we learn that and allow all of our needs and solutions to be guided by our spirit then it doesn't matter how many instruments play in the orchestra, it doesn't matter how much you take on, provided it is all guided by the spirit then you will stay in harmony.
Your spirit is immense and is connected to an infinite energy. Plus it revels in the opportunity to show every facet of itself. Think of being offered the opportunity to show the world everything you can do and love and thrive on, wouldn't you?
So yes, strip out those trumpets that are broken, re-string the violins and start again slowly. But once you have got it then play on and play all you can and shine!
I got one final image of the 7 chakra of the body. They each have different energies, they relate to different organs with different needs, different emotions with different connections. That's a hell of a balance to keep. But if it is your spirit playing them like a xylophone then there is only one thing happening, one thing to keep in tune. Those are the tingles you feel in each energy centre (if you are sensitive to notice) as you do things. It's your spirit playing your song to live by.
To know yourself is to know everything. To understand your spirit is to understand your true self. Let it be free to steer your body then you can do anything. Your spirit is connected to everything so when you allow it to drive yourself, then 'you' as a body are connected to your spirit and so you are connected to everything.
So your spirit is everything.
So you are too.
Ramblings of a drunken monkey
EspiritualThis biography of personal philosophy was started when I was inebriated, the middle bit was done when enlightened and the ending wrote itself. I've dipped in and out of this between life, work, parenting, writing a fiction novel or two, training and...