Karma x Delicate! Reader: Ignorance

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You are a delicate and kind-hearted girl with long (h/c) and (e/c) eyes. It's no wonder everyone in E-class likes you.

But, there has been a redhead that has constantly been bugging you- and he always seemed to appear everywhere you go. He would do anything to make you angry. Tripping you, stealing your book, etc. Even still, you resort to no violence each time he angered you.

This annoyed you to no end. Finally, one day, you decided to ignore him and see how it goes.

#Day 1
It was early in the morning. You had reached class 30 minutes before class started. You sat down and took out a pair of earphones/ headphones and listened to (favourite music).

Slowly, your classmates began to enter the class, each one either sending you a wave or a greeting. You responded back politely with a smile everytime. Soon, everyone was talking merrily with their own group of friends.

You crossed you arms on the table and burried your head into it. As you slowly drifted off to enjoy the music, a familiar voice echoed through your ears. "(Y/n)-chan~ Good morning~"

You pretended you did not hear him and pretended you were asleep. Footsteps came closer to your desk. Suddenly, a pair of hands snatched up your earphones/ headphones and the music was cut off.

Even so, you did not stir from your position. Just in time too as Korosensei slid open the classroom door just as the bell rang.

Karma 'tsked' and put down your earphones/headphones and went back to his seat, which coincidentally was right behind yours.

The day went on as usual. Time flew and soon, it was time to go home. You walked down the mountain to get home. Suddenly, you felt a hand rest at your back and gave you a push.

You ended up stumbling and tripping over absolutely nothing, before landing flat on your face. A familiar laugh rang out above you.

However, you picked yourself up and merely dusted your wrinkled uniform and continued your way down the mountain. Karma's laughter subsidued a little as he followed after you, still laughing.

You boarded the train back to your apartment with Karma as you two happened to live in the same area. Usually, you two would have been bickering over small stuff and Karma's endless taunts. But now even if Karma tried to bait you with his teasing, you still did nothing to his dismay. Not even the slightless frown or scowled was evident on your face.

When the train readched the station, Karma stalked off without a word. You smiled a little to yourself as you went back home. This new tactic seemes to be working, so you decided to continue.

#Day 2
Class started normal as Karma came in late today. He strutted casually to his seat, not after giving you a ruffle to mess up your neat hair. You hated whenever someone messes up your hair which practically took you all morning to make it look neat.

Instead of turning around to glare at him like usual,you just pushed a few strands of hair away from blocking your view and combed your (hair length) to make it at least look normal before turning your attention back to Korosensei.

A few classmates had actually turned to stare at you in curiosity. If this was on any normal day, sparks of electric would be connecting both you and Karma's eyes.

But not today.

Well, no one said it was the end of Karma's torture for the day. During break, while you were peacefully munching on the obento your mother packed for you, cold metal was set behind your neck as you jumped from the sudden chill. You heard a snicker and instantly knew it was the red devil.

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