Soulmate AU! Terasaka x Reader: Benevolence

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Requested by: -Sevexy-

"Shut up, you assholes!!"

A vein bulged on Terasaka forehead as he glared daggers at his two friends, who were currently laughing their butts off, one hee-haw-ing like a horse and the other cackling like a crow. Yoshida wiped away a tear. "Oh, man. Never thought I'd get to see a day like this!"

"Yeah, and just when the Great King oh-so-pompously declared he 'was not as pathetic to believe in a soulmate'," Muramatsu mimicked, before both of them burst into howls of laughter again.

Hazama lifted her gaze from her book and shot a look at the two that immediately shut their mouths. "Would you two monkeys please shut up, or do you want me to get my spiders to do the job?" A sadistic grin crept onto her lips. "Their venoms are quite effective in doing their jobs~"

"But don't you find it funny that a guy like this blockhead can get a soulmate?" Muramatsu pointed an accusing finger at the burly delinquent, who growled in response. "My String hasn't even appeared and his did!" "Maybe that's just because you really don't have one," Yoshida snickered at his friend, and soon a bicker ensued.

Terasaka vaguely registered the boisterous ambience, his thoughts once again sinking back to the previous events. A few days ago, he had woken up in the morning as usual, feeling even grumpier than usual. He had stomped to his bathroom and had just picked up his toothbrush when he noticed something glinting in the light.

A red, silk-like string, to his horror, was wrapped neatly around his pinkie.

He didn't know what had encouraged him to blurt his perturbation after his friends questioned his restless actions, but he knew that relieving that fact to them did nothing to help his current condition, in fact worsening his mood for the day. Especially when he had declared his revulsion against the whole 'Soulmate bullshit' just a week ago. His friends claimed that he was merely jealous that almost everyone in their class had already gotten their Strings. It was asserted that one would see their Strings around the age of 12 to 15, and yet even after a few months of his fifteenth birthday, nothing tugged at his finger, nor on any limbs. Needless to say, the secret yearning for a lifetime partner in his heart shrivelled up, leading to the seed of aversion towards the soulmate system.

That was, until a few days ago.

He glared at the blood red string tied around his finger for the umpteenth time that morning. The string swayed ever so slightly, as if mocking his naivety for thinking he could defy the laws of the universe. He had tried to pry the string off his finger, to cut at it or even relying on brute strength to break the string, but it held on stronger than ever, the red as vivid as ever. What irked him more was that the colour just had to remind him of his archenemy in their class.

However, even through his bitterness, he couldn't help but wonder: Who was his soulmate? What did she look like? Was she from their school? Smart? Athletic?

Before the teen could ponder more, the bell pealed, and the door to their classroom slid open as if on cue. Students immediately scurried back to their seats for roll call as Korosensei slipped in, the permanent smile on his face somehow managed to further agitate Terasaka. With a roll of his eyes, he tore his focus away from the String and wrapped his fingers around his gun, prepping for their daily shooting-fest.


As soon as the bell rang the last time for the day, Terasaka shoved all his belongings into his bag and stomped out of the classroom. His friends quickly followed after him with the exception of Hazama. Feeling more miserable each time he thought of the annoying string on his pinkie, his legs soon led him to the arcade. Eager to game his worries away, he went straight for the street fighting game to release his frustration. Yoshida jumped at the chance to fight against his friend, and they had an all out brawl session, leaving no space for poor Muramatsu to join.

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