Karma x Sad! Reader: A Good Turn

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Requested by: Hope you enjoy it! :)

(Note: all of you are still in your second year)
Your (e/c) eyes travelled across the classroom of 2-A. Many silhouette of students clad in proper school uniforms of grey and white, but you paid no attention to them.

Finally landing on the one you were searching for, you let out a lovestrucked sigh as you leaned your cheek against your palm, your elbow resting on the top of your desk. You gazed at him lovingly from afar. You could see him talking to his gang, his bright green eyes and charming smile plastered on his face as usual. Every so often, he would run a hand across his messy fringe, sending many girls in the class swooning.

And when he smirks, oh god, the way his mercury eyes lights up-

Mercury eyes?!?!

You immediately snapped out of your fantasy as your vision focused on your surroundings once again. This time, red entered your sight and that oh-so-familiar arrogant smirk you just hate.

"Karma, what do you want?" You hissed at him as your hands hurriedly shielded the paper you were writing on. Your partner in crime sent you his infamous smirk. "Is that any way to greet your friend, (Y/n)-chan~?" He asked in a lazy tone.

"Who's my friend, dumbass?" You huffed and rolled your eyes. You turned your attention to the board in front, but from the corner of your eye, you could see Karma eyeing the paper beneath your hands.

Without warning, the paper slipped from below you by force. You bolted up and desperately tried to claw for the precious piece of paper dangling in the devil's grip.

"Heh~ what's this~? A confession letter~?" Karma sang as he read the contents. Your face erupted into red that rivalled Karma's hair. He glanced at you sideways and snickered.

"Huh, the typical cliché 'meet me at the wherever-cupid-may-appear place' eh~? How boring~" He waved it in front of your face. You snatched it back, but was careful not to crumple it. "It's none of your business. Now shut up about it," you grumbled, folding it neatly so you could sneak it into (crush name)'s locker when he wasn't around.

Karma gave you one last smirk before turning away and going back to his seat. As he walked back, you failed to notice the clenched fist and the angered look in his eyes.


The bell pealed throughout the hallways of the prestigious Kunigigaoka Middle. Teachers hurriedly dismissed classes, eager to go home themselves. Students stretched their limbs after a tired day in school and proceeded to tidy their desk and go home. You were no execption, except this time to go to the spot where you want to confess to your crush.

As quickly as you could, you shoved your things in your bag and rushed out of the classroom, changing into your shoes and dashed out of the school gates to (place name). Unbeknownst to you, a certain redhead had followed behind you quietly.

Finally reaching there, you panted a little and smoothed your hair. You brushed your uniform to get rid of any crease or wrinkles to make yourself presentable. Taking out a small mirror, you studied your appearance in satisfactory.

The place you were meeting with (crush name) had little people there. So, you loosened yourself a little and decided to play for a bit while waiting. You winked and blew a kiss to your reflection, before giggling like a lovesick middle scholar.

"Ah, I knew it would be you, (Y/n)-san."

You immediately tensed up and wheeled around to see (crush name), his hands buried in his pockets and he had that cute lopsided grin that would make any girl melt. You felt yourself burning up.

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