Assassin AU! Maehara x Reader: Leap of Trust

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Warning: mentions of inappropriate actions. Slight mature content.

You were uncertain on how long you could hold on anymore. Your patience was well spent, your smile strained and fingers grasping the wine glass you held so hard you were afraid it would crack anytime. The only thing you were grateful for was the exquisite diamond-rimmed mask you wore over your eyes so no one could see your twitching eye.

'I did not sign up for this shit,' you cussed in your thoughts as you desperately peered around the deck of the luxurious yatch filled with the more affluent of the society, all dressed in elegant clothes and masks to suit the masquerade theme while they ate and chatted. With the gentle sway of the waves below and the romantic candlelights onboard, one would want nothing more than to just relax within the opulent comfort of the atmosphere. However, you had a mission to accomplish tonight, and you could not afford to waste time.

And it didn't help matters that you were now stuck with an oblivious bastard who wouldn't stop talking your ear off.

"You keep looking around. Are you that anxious?"

That question pulled you out of your thoughts and you had to once again face your current merciless reality. You realised that your lips were now turned downwards, and you quickly attempt to pull a fake smile, one that you've been trained to do flawlessly and instantaneously as you turned your attention back to the man in front of you. Given he was quite handsome, despite the inability to see his full face behind the gold mask, you could tell he was quite young too, with his light brown hair gelled neatly in place and his crisp black suit. With the way he courted you and flirted with you, you could tell he was quite the womaniser.

And despite him saving you from another creep before that, it took every fibre in your being to stop from flinging your glass of wine at him.

Finally, you replied his question as politely as you could, trying to suppress the tremor of irritation in your voice. "Um, no. I'm actually looking for someone."

It was true. When you were assigned an assassination mission, your boss, Irina Jelavic, told you that the top dogs had assigned you a partner for the attempt, before the busty blonde took off to her "romantic trip to Paris" with your original partner, Nakamura Rio. You were still pissed about that, and swore to give them a good beating when they got back. You had spotted your target, but your supposed "partner" was nowhere in sight. It didn't help that you knew nothing about him aside from his gender.

In short, you were having a pretty shitty night.

The man quirked an eyebrow, obviously interested. "Oh? And who might they be?"

You open your mouth, ready to throw an excuse you had prepared for questions like this, when he suddenly nudged you backwards. Your back hit the cold railings and you soon found yourself trapped in between his arms. You noted that when you had a closer look at him, he was actually quite toned, and found yourself unable to control the bit of blush that coloured your cheeks.

It was even worse when he leaned in, sweet aroma of lavender cologne entering your nose and his breath at your ear, as he whispered: "It doesn't matter, does it?" he murmured, trailing his hand up your arm. "It's just you and me now."

You could continue this charade all night if you were willing to. Under Irina, you bet you could toy with the man even more than he had hope to do with you, but now you were exasperated, and you were losing sight of your target -a buff man with a gross beard and black mask. Partner no partner, you would have to attempt it alone. You had no time- and patience- to spend playing around with the womaniser in front of you. So you took matters into your own hands.

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