Chapter 21

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Two years later
In the perspective of Emilia

"Princess! Don't move around so much. I can't tie the dress correctly." I smiled. "Sorry, sorry, Elisa." Elisa sighed and continued to tie my white wedding dress on.

My dress is white, and it follows my curves to my waist, and then after my waist, the dress's hem widens. The neckline is heart-shaped, and it's decorated with embedded diamonds. It's shoulderless. It's a sparkly dress.

On my feet are a pair of white high heels with pearl decorations. I'm getting married today, and I'm the happiest I have ever been.

Elisa finished putting on my dress and moved on to my hair. She made a beautiful hair arrangement and put my veil on my hair using a tiara.

Andreu and I are getting married at a beach on a tropical island on earth.

It's a small private ceremony with only friends and family. I was at a beach house right now getting my make-up and hair done. "And we're done, princess."

I looked at myself from the mirror. "It's gorgeous." Soon Olivia entered the room with my father. Olivia was my bridesmaid, and she wore a blue dress with a wide hem and no shoulders.

Her beautiful dark brown hair was tied to the back. "You look stunning, girl." She hugged me and almost cried. "Don't cry, or I'm going to cry." She smiled at me.

My father opened his voice and said. "We should be heading out now." I nodded and walked to his side. Olivia took the basket of white rose petals and came to stand behind me.

My father took my hand. He was almost crying. "Don't cry, dad." He sneezed. "I'm not. I'm just moved cause my only daughter is getting married." I laughed a little, and then the slow wedding of March started to play, and we opened the door to walk to the aisle.

We walked down a white carpet. The benches around the carpet were made out of white driftwood.

There were white roses around the benches. I walked towards the altar that was decorated with white roses and a cross made out of driftwood.

Standing on the altar was a priest and Andreu. Looking as handsome and breathtaking as ever.

He's 20 years old now, and he's gotten even more handsome. He was wearing a white suit and a silver tie. His suit had silver decorations.

His beautiful blue eyes and blond hair shined in the sunlight.

The picture was so beautiful with him and the sea behind him. I walked towards him as the wedding march played around us.

It felt like everything and everyone else disappeared from around us, and I could only smile as I walked to him.

My father took me to the altar and gave my hands to Andreu. I just smiled at Andreu and took his hand. The priest started to talk.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, and to cherish the words that shall unite Andreu La Shóne and Emilia La Trúce in marriage.

Marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, and who trust in that love, who honor each other as individuals, and who choose to spend the rest of their life together.

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