Chapter 24

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So close! Only one more chapter and the epilogue left! Thank you to all who have made it this far, though it's not because of how many reads I may or may not get that I love sharing my story with Wattpad. I hope you enjoy this second-to-last chapter of Eye of the Storm!

 Kaleb stood in position in the pre-dawn light , waiting for the signal that would set in motion the Riders' attack. Rider Markus had agreed to follow through with Kaleb's plan, admitting that even though it was risky it just might work. Now every able RIder and their horses stood along the wall beside their Bands. The three youngest Bands had been sent to the caves along with the oldest to help protect the queen.

Kaleb prayed they wouldn't have to fight. The youngest Riders had only been in training for, at most, three years, and none of them knew magic. The oldest Riders, while still strong, could not fight nearly as well as the younger Riders, but they were still highly skilled with magic. Together they would be more than capable of protecting the queen.

Kaleb heard a series of clangs, one of Rider Markus' Bandmates signaling everyone was in position. It was time. Kaleb raised his sword and his Bandmates yelled with him as he shouted for the Riders at the wall.

With the sound of a thousand rocks cracking and the force of a hundred thunderstorms, the unnatural natural wall surrounding the Riders' camp shot outwards. It slammed into the army attacking the camp, catching them by surprise. With a shout the RIders mounted up and charged at the remaining soldiers who were stumbling out of the debris.

The ground shook with the force of hundreds of horses charging, not to mention the earthquakes brought on by the Riders. Wind knocked the enemy soldiers to the ground, where they either surrendered or died by the Riders' hands. The battle was a heavy one, and as Kaleb charged into the fray he saw more than one Rider fall to an enemy sword or spear. But he pressed on, his Bandmates beside him and Riders charging around him.

It was hard to say how much time had passed, but judging by the sun it was around noon by the time the fighting slowed. The Riders had one, but they had paid a heavy price. At least thirty Riders and their horses were dead, and at least twenty more Riders had lost their horses. This was the side of battle that the stories didn't tell you about. The part where they spent hours walking over the battlefield, searching with hope and dread for lost friends and comrades, praying that you wouldn't see their face among the fallen.

When they regrouped, Kaleb breathed a heavy sigh of relief to see that none of his Bandmates had died in the battle, though Nyque had been stabbed in the abdomen and would not be able to fight for a long while. After two hours of helping with the injured Riders, Kaleb was summoned to the command hut. Inside Rider Markus was waiting for him with eyes heavy with grief. One of his Bandmates had been killed in the fight and another had lost a horse. It was a steep price to pay, but one they paid nonetheless.

"Kaleb, I am glad to see you well. Today has been a hard one for the Riders, but without you it would have been even worse."

"I'm sorry to hear about the death of Rider Tomas, sir."

"He knew what he was getting into, but thank you, Kaleb. Now, I've called you here because I've just received word that Byden is getting married today in the castle of Eius. King Hadar has signed a surrender, handing over not only all of Calador but the lives of every Rider as well."

"Who is Byden getting married to?! When he was with us he had no one that I could imagine would marry him willingly."

"That's just it. Byden is forcing Princess Ashen to be his bride as a term of the surrender. With her as his wife he will become the undisputed ruler of Calador, and that is something we cannot allow to happen."

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