Chapter 25

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This is it. The last chapter. This will be followed by a short epilogue and then the end. I hope you enjoy this very last chapter of Eye of the Storm!

 When two hundred Riders and their horses came into view of Eius and the army surrounding it, they halted. The army was... Moving. Away from Eius. As they stood on the hill watching, a rider carrying a white flag rode up to them.

"Riders of Calador! I bring news of great importance!"

"Speak then, and know you are safe among us." rider Markus' voice boomed loudly.

"King Byden of Mendal is dead, and without his evil over the armies of Mendal we are returning home peacefully. Prince Seth of Mendal has claimed his right to the throne, and now the armies follow his command. With your permission we will leave your country at once."

The Riders sat in stunned silence. Out of every possibility for the day, this was not one of them. As Kaleb looked down at the city, a strange white orb of light flew into the air. He watched as it rapidly approached him, then branched off into three balls of light and flew into him, Leo, and Trixan. It was as if he could finally breathe air as he gasped, a breeze gently caressing him. He had his power back, and his Bond. Even now he could feel Illiana, far away but coming closer. He grinned wildly, knowing he would soon be reunited with his horse.

Trixan had the same grin on his face, but when he looked at Leo all he saw was a deep sorrow. He would never again be able to use his magic, never again feel his horse. Today was a victory, but it had come at a price.

"Have you heard anything of the Royal family?" Markus inquired. Kaleb perked up. He had to know if Ashen was alright.

"Indeed I have. It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that King Hadar of Calador was slain in the fight. Prince Zarreil was severely injured, however Princess Ashen seemed to be unharmed."

Kaleb's heart pounded. The king was dead? That couldn't be. He was so strong, always knowing what to do. And Zarreil was injured, badly. Kaleb had to get to his friends, had to make sure they were alright. Ignoring Rider Markus' shout to stay put, Kaleb, followed by the rest of his Band, broke away from the other Riders and rode at a fast gallop into the city. People shouted at them as they rode through the narrow streets, but Kaleb could tell these people hadn't heard about their king yet. They were joyful, happy, because they had just won a war. They didn't know just how much they had lost.

They got to the Castle gates in record time, and the men guarding them recognized the young Riders and let them in. Kaleb galloped to the castle doors and leapt off his horse, running inside. Servants were scurrying around everywhere, probably cleaning up the mess. The Great Hall was a warzone, and Kaleb guessed it was where the fight happened. He had no idea where Zarreil of Ashen would be.

"Hey! Do you know where the prince and princess are?" Ajax asked a passing maid.

"The princess is resting in her rooms, and the prince is in the medical room being treated."

"Thank you."

And the seven of them took off running through the halls until they arrived at the medical room. It was full with men groaning and being treated for their various injuries, and Kaleb winced as a man screamed somewhere in the back. They made their way to the private room reserved for royalty and, when no one stopped them, walked inside.

Zarreil laid in a large bed, his leg elevated on a stack of pillows and bandaged heavily. But he was alive. His eyes were closed and his face pale, but Kaleb took comfort in the steady rise and fall of his chest. His prince would be okay.

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