Mafia Royalty

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Spoilers! If you are currently reading Donna d'onore this might contain some spoilers. Of course the stories are not related, but this chapter might be. You will see why if you continue reading...

"So who are these people you want me to see?"-I ask Ryan.

We were currently in the car going to meet the people Ryan was going to introduce to me. I had no idea who they were, but judging our situation I was sure they were very powerful.

"They are the mafia royalty. The king and queen of the Sicilian mafia business. Dianora Rossi and Domenico Del Vecchio."-he says looking at me.

Wait... I have heard that name before. Yes, of course I have heard of Domenico Del Vecchio.

"Right, the name was very familiar, but now I remembered. I have heard his name before. They say that he is ruthless."-I say to Ryan and he agrees.

"That's right! He is very powerful and I have done a few businesses with him. He sure is a man of his word."-Ryan says.

In his face I didn't saw disgust or underestimation like usually when he talks about the man that he makes business with. This time that look was replaced with a different one, respect. Yes, this man is more powerful than anyone because except for power he also has the respect. And I knew that this in our world was priceless.

"I have heard that he was a monster with his opponents."-I say to Ryan trying to continue the conversation and learn something more about the people I was going to meet with.

"And you haven't been told lies. He would do anything to win and get power. He was the most powerful mobster in Italy and he would kill anyone, that's why a lot of people were afraid of him. He didn't hear any other reasons except for his ones and those reasons helped him get to the top. Of course a lot of things changed when he met Dianora. Now he isn't so much in the spotlight, but still he hasn't lost his power. He is still the most powerful man in the business."-Ryan explains.

"He fell in love? Well that's pretty messed up!"-I say and he chuckles.

"Maybe, but that's none of our business."-he says and the car stops. We were already there.

I get out of the car and look at the mansion in front of me. Or better estate. The Versace floor of the front yard was made of tiny stones and it looked beautiful. There were white columns in the Corinth style surrounding the house and giving it a beautiful classical style. It looked more like temple, rather than a house.

Two people came out of the huge door. There was a man dressed in a black suit and a woman. She was young, probably my age and dressed gracefully in her Valentino dress. Her black shiny hair fell softly on her back and shoulders. She looked beautiful and so did the man beside her. A true power couple.

"Ciao Ryan! Come stai? It has been a long time!"-the man says as he comes close to us.

"Molto bene Domenico. It is good to see you."-Ryan says. It was the first time I heard him speak Italian.

"This is my wife Dianora."-Domenico says as he looks at his wife in admiration.

She smiles and shakes our hands.

"It is nice to meet you. This is Rogue Armstrong, the woman that came here with me and that represents me."-Ryan says introducing me.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you."-I say.

"A businesswoman I see, we are very glad to have you here."-Dianora says to me.

"Indeed."-says Domenico.-"So what do you think about our house?"

"It is magnificent, like a temple."-I say to him.

"A temple dedicated to my Goddess here."-Domenico says wrapping an arm around his wife. They looked so beautiful together almost making me believe in love.

"Now let's talk about the business."-Ryan says.

"Right, how about we go inside."-Domenico says and we get inside the door..

"So I assume you are aware of the situation that is going on."-Domenico says. Well... Not that much..-"One of the mafia capos is dead and with them absence of a boss there are problems going on with the territories. We can't let our clique and power lose balance so tomorrow there will be a meeting with all of the mafia leaders regarding to the new boss in New York. For more details we will talk at the meeting, but I felt like I needed to clarify this."

I see... These things were very complicated, but there had to be order even in chaos.

After some conversation we start to move. I was standing with Dianora in the garden of the house.

"It is very hard to be a part of this world isn't it?"-she asks me.

"Maybe, but I don't mind. This is the life that we have to live."-I say.

She smiles softly. Her hands were caressing a flower and frankly she didn't gave you the impression of a mobster.

"So what's has happened with the boss of your organization in New York?"-I asked.

She removes the attention from the rose and focuses on me:"He died and I was the one to kill him."

Well, I take back what I said about her not giving you the mobster impression.

"I apologize, I know that these businesses don't belong to me, but why did you do it?"-I ask. I was starting to like her.

"He didn't respect the code. He manipulated people and tried to steal my father's power. According to the code you can't do that to a fratello (brother) and even if you had to there was necessary to have the permission of the other families. So I hunted him and then killed him. In that order I got the power and the honor of my family back."-she explains. She was a badass woman. I loved it.

"That is amazing. It is great that you alone were able to get your power... That's why they call you Donna d'onore"-I say and she smiles.

"Right and I guess that would have destroyed me, the vengeance and anger... Luckily I had him by my side."-she says looking at her husband that was talking with Ryan a few meters away.-"I fell in love..."

Then she turns to me:"Have you ever fallen in love?"

Me? I don't even know the meaning of that word.

"No, and I don't really believe in it. I guess I am a little bit different."-I say to her.

"Really? I have been on this situation too, and what about Ryan?"-she asks looking at him.

I try not to show any kind of emotion."He isn't my kind of man..."

"Yet you still look at him with so much feeling and intensity."-she says leaving me speechless.

"It doesn't matter, there will never be anything between us. I am not the typical woman and I can't allow myself to fall for a man. That would make me weak."-I say and she smiles softly at me.

"Trust me cara me and Domenico were two different people, but we found our way to each other. It is true that it can make you weak because that person becomes everything to you, but it can also make you more powerful than you have ever imagined. That person is your weakness and strength."-she says to me.-"And it is just a matter of time until you develop these feelings... Or maybe you already have...."

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